Saturday, July 31, 2010

Paws the movie

Well despite being hounded by a headache
from hell the past few days I am happy to
report I did some editing yesterday afternoon.
I worked on my movie Paws! Yep, and got
some much needed scenes out of the way.
I always dread editing because its time
consuming but once I start I enjoy it so much.
If you like jig saw puzzles then you would
like editing because its a matter of putting
the pieces together and shaving off the
excess materials. I do have a hard time
slimming non-essential scenes such as one
in which the main character comes home,
greets his dog, gets the leash and exits his
apt with the dog. Do I need all of this or
don't I? This is what differentiates amateurs
and professional filmmakers. Despite having
directed, shot and edited over 20 movies,
I still struggle with this area. I am determined
to finish this movie before Sept 2nd! I read
somewhere once if you declare a deadline
publicly you're more likely to complete
your project than when you don't.

I am excited because finally (Pah!) for my
birthday Baba will be getting me a digital
camcorder of my very own! No more borrowing
videocameras! Its amazing how much I was
able to do without one! I think for my next
film project I want to do a documentary
style one related to Deaf culture. I don't
want to give away the details yet. And there
is one story I have had simmering on the
back burner of my brain for the past 4 years
but it would require a lot of support and
commitment. Perhaps if I write the script
during the school year I can shoot it next
summer, see see?

Today Jack and I joined Nancy & David to
a mini trip to Hanover for their annual
"Dutch Hanover Day." Lots of good food,
arts to look over, antique cars to ooh and
ahh at :] we should be there soon!
Tonight Rob, Maria and their boys are
coming by for ice cream and a movie at Baba's.
An awesome day ahead of me.

Tmw my goal is to rest and to edit Paws
some more. Feel free to leave me comments
encouraging me to edit and finish Paws once
and for all!

Sunday, July 25, 2010

Toy Robot Museum Part III

Here's the gang!

Toy Robot Musuem Part II

Last of the photos!

Toy Robot Museum Part I

Today we hit Adamstown, PA to Stroudt
Village where we went to the Toy Robot
Museum :] It was a nice family affair,
Baba, Uncle Robbie, Uncle David, Jack
& Me. *Danger Will Robinson, Danger!*

Thursday, July 22, 2010

For my low-vision readers

For those of you who felt my previous blog template was hard to read, please let me know how this looks now? If its still bothersome, I will change to a simple black and white template, but I do dig the blue.

In other news I have a pain in the neck, literally! It all started about 5-6 weeks ago, I felt a mild pain in the area where the neck, shoulder meet. Thinking I had slept the wrong way or bunched up it would go away. Fast forward to 2 visits to 6 Flags and then bringing my mother 2 kitchen table chairs last Monday, the pain grew worse and started to spread down my back :( Not fun. I ended up at the doctor's tuesday where he prescribed a muscle relaxer and prednisone for my inflammation. Neither did squat, and the pain really began to bug me out! I went back today and it turns out my neck muscle is so tensed that the new doctor, a real swell guy explained I had or have pinched nerve(s) along with muscle spasms. Lovely indeed, not. I also did not react well to the prednisone, gave me this annoying headache and neither of the 1st batch of meds helped, so today I got a different batch and ahh finally some relief. I will also see a physical therapist Monday to work out the kinks and get those muscle fibers to loosen their death grips and free up the nerves. This may put a damper on my plans to volunteer at another camp the 1st week of August but my health must come first.

Meanwhile Jack came back from NYC and its nice having him home with Baba and me. He drove me to the doctors this morning too and in his own way, taking care of me the way men do, sort of by my instructions and somewhat gentle nudges. The best medicine by far are is sweet kisses, as he has the nicest lips ever. We stopped by one of those redboxes and grabbed 2 movies for a stay home kind of day. The meds make me tired but I was tired anyways because every time I rolled over to my right side (I am a side sleeper, not the kind who sleep on their stomach or back), I would wake up in pain. Speaking of pain, I am due for another painkiller shortly along with a muscle relaxer in a few hours. No it doesn't make me loopy or give me a high like some painkillers do. I am deathly allergic to codeine or any morphine derivatives, they make me sicker than a mule or cow with mad cow disease ha ha, remember mad cow? Apparently the kind of painkiller I am taking is chloroform, the old anesthesia used back in the day and it does help.

Hopefully I will feel back to normal in a few weeks, but what I really hope for is a good night's sleep with a lot less pain in the next day or two. Alrighty, time to get back to the movie Jack and I are watching, he is impatiently waiting for me to finish this post ;-)

Who I write like

I write like
Kurt Vonnegut

I Write Like by Mémoires, Mac journal software. Analyze your writing!

Fun, who do you write like???

Tuesday, July 13, 2010

My follow up to the 2 comments

Left for my Madison Square Garden Post;

For the 1st comment, yes I will change the
colors on my blog to one that's more
appropriate to low-vision readers, but
at this time I am at a camp volunteering
and do not have access to the computer
or the ability to respond directly to the 2
comments. This weekend I will deAfinitely
change the colors, no problem!

For the 2nd comment (my dear friend Bram)
I attended this event with a hearing friend
in addition to 2 other Deafies and I had to
ask her to terp the words spoken in between
the songs so it wasn't a matter of oversight
or noise, but plain old unprofessionalism
on both of the interpreters' behalf. As I
stated before the male interpreter for
most part did a good job. I just resented
when he did not interpret what was being
said and I can tell the difference between
when a terp looks over to gather more
information compared to just plain "enjoying
the view."
Now for the record, I will NOT excuse the 2nd
female interpreter once so ever. She was
NOT prepared. She should have rehearsed
during her FREE time and not on my time!
I don't mind an occasional glance to NOTES
for ASL translations but anything else is
plain old laziness and I will not tolerate
that. She took away from my music concert
experience and she ought to be ashamed
of herself to accept payment. I seriously
have doubts about someone who accepts
an interpreting job that demands not only
professionalism but the ability to perform
in a similar manner as the performer. I am
not saying ASL terps have to be actors but
enthusiasm while interpreting a show is
part of the job. I hope she read my post, and
takes a moment to extend an apology to
me and the others who were cheated out
of a good experience so she could get a
Lastly I realize interpreters both Deaf &
Hearing make mistakes and I will be the
1st to admit mine. For example last week
I terped for our mutual friend at the ADA
celebration sponsored by NYPL and let me
tell you, I messed up BIG time when one of
the speakers decided to read his work/essay
which involved numerous analogies and
unusual adjectives that had me stumbling/
fumbling along the way. I immediately
looked to the other CDI to take over as I was
out of my league and I also apologized to
the person I was providing tactile terping
for. It made me feel bad that I did not give
the 100% expected of me and I am not even
Bram, I'd like to think due to our work
experiences together that you would've been
prepared for any show you terp at Madison
Square Gardens. But I also hope that if
it a performer or a show that you are not
familiar with or perhaps is not your style
that you would decline the job and allow
another interpreter who have the ability
to give a stellar terp performance take the
I have no problem with novice terps doing
jobs like doctor's appt, school meetings
etc etc but when it comes to entertainment
or legal aspect in which I along with other
Deafies shell out our hard earned money,
we expect the best of the best.

Monday, July 12, 2010

The email address

To write your own complaint whether it
was recent or 10 years ago at this
venue is
don't keep letting this giant money making
corporation keep taking our $$$ and giving
us shitty services!

Dear Madison Square Gardens

I am writing to your "disability" service
coordinators to let you know how appalled
I was at the Friday night July 9, 2010
Lady Gaga concert. I was one of your
DEAF attendees and let me tell you,
the accommodations were the worst
I've ever seen and I've been to numerous
music concerts (Poison, RadioHead,
Aerosmith, Alice in Chains, etc etc).
First of the bat, the location where we
were essentially corralled like a herd
of cattle was to the left of the stage on
the 3rd floor. We were often blinded by
the stage lights! And really couldn't
see the show well at all! As Deafies
we rely on our vision to enjoy music
concerts and some of us don't even
care about the music but Lady Gaga's
as a performance artist. We had a
poor view of Lady Gaga's profile
and we could hardly see the tv
screen either! I was astonished by
our placement :(
2ndly the two interpreters were not
at a level of professionalism I expected
from this kind of venue. You certainly
can afford to hire the very best of the best.
The female interpreter was obviously
not prepared, didn't know the songs,
used her cell phone to read off the lyrics,
or her partner interpreter fed her the lines.
She was uncomfortable and it showed. I
was extremely disappointed in her poor,
novice like signs and the lack of enthusiasm!
She took away from my experience in
enjoying the Lady Gaga concert :( I couldn't
even look at her because I was so disgusted
by the lowly standards your venue employs.
The 2nd interpreter, the guy did somewhat
better. He knew some of the songs and
actually portrayed Lady Gaga style. What
I didn't like about both of them is that they
often did NOT sign what was being said in
between the sets. I can with my hearing aid
hear some and it annoyed me to no end to be
cheated out of a music concert experience.
Both terps often turned away from us to watch
the show which I wouldn't have minded if
they weren't signing but when they were
working their focus should have been on US.
We didn't pay for them to enjoy the concert
And I sure hope you didn't either because
you along with me got ripped off! I have no
idea which Interpreting Agency you used but
I highly recommend you find a new one or
hire an ASL (DEAF) consultant for your future
music concerts in which they can be there
when you hire interpreters and to make sure
they are qualified for the task.
Lastly, I paid just under a $hundred$ to see
this show and I can assure you I have no
intention of ever coming back to Madison
Square Gardens. You treated us Deafies like
we were garbage. You actually left a
bitter taste in my mouth that I had
to wait a few days to write this post. And
you know what else, I am sure Lady Gaga if
she knew you treated us like freaks *and not
in a good way* she would be just as livid as
we are! I will deAfinitely tell my friends not
to waste their time attending your venue since
you've wasted my time and hard earned $$$ (I
work 3 jobs so when I spend my $$$ it better
be worth it!)
I await your reply to my complaint and to your
failure to provide the services promised.
Sincerely yours,

Saturday, July 10, 2010

A few more pixs

from last night's concert. Sadly my T-mobile Sidekick III camera doesn't
do justice!

Photo homeage to

All the Freaks that took fandom to a new
level :] gotta love the Lady Gaga fans!

Friday, July 09, 2010

To my fellow Little Monsters!

I look forward to seeing you at Madison
Square Gardens in mere hours.
And for the what I hope will be visual eye
candy but also unforgettable show! What I
like about Lady Gaga is she's a mix of Glam,
Shock, Theatrics, Dark, Edgy and so on.
Her work makes me think and I like that in
an Artist. And I am sure tonight's show won't
disappoint ;}

No Maine visit this year

Well I came home from my 2nd tax
preparation session and let me say, I am
not happy :( I will receive a measly $95
from federal and stupid me I paid them
$100 because I was very tired when I did
it and meant to pay them $25 and the state
$100. But it happened the other way around.
Now I gotta hope/pray/do a rain dance that
the federal government refunds me that
$100? Otherwise I am gonna have to chase
it down! Meanwhile I owe state a little
more than $1100! Ay yi yi, and so far I've
only paid them $25. The worst part of it
all is last year working at the Maine camp
actually cost me more than I earned and
really skewed my taxes! In fact I realize
going to work at the camp again this
summer would just recreate problems for
me when its time to do 2010 taxes. I sent
Ronnie an apologetic email stating I
wouldn't be able to come this year and
it sucks! Lucky for me, she was completely
understanding but this will be the 1st
summer in like 5 years I won't be going to
Maine, not cool. Plus I spent almost
$300 getting my taxes done in total, argh!
I sort of wanna join those crazy militants
in the mid-west who live off the grid,
hunting and fishing, sprouting out anti-
government sentiments about refusing to
pay taxes!

Unfortunately we do hafta pay taxes and
here's a nifty link that debunks all the
floating myths out there about not having
to pay taxes!
I do however wish there was a section on
the tax return in which we could check off
how we want our taxes used for? Such as
education, road repairs, hospitals etc etc..
I mean if we have to pay them, I think we
would feel better knowing where the $$$
goes to? I know it would take some of the
sting out with having to owe anything.

But damn as a recent graduate who works
3 jobs and barely gets by I resent the
amount of taxes I am hit with. Specifically
with NYC! They really get you for working
out of state but unfortunately for me, I
have to. I guess this Fall I will have to set
up automatic deductions from both jobs
to set aside $$ into a savings accounts
so that next Spring I can just pay the state
taxes without feeling violated.

Wednesday, July 07, 2010

Miserably hot

Here in the NE! These higher than above
temperatures has everyone really cranky grrr!
We need relief asap!

Advice to NYC tourist

If you see the subway come and there's an
empty car, BEWARE. It could mean the following;

1- the AC is broken
2- someone vomited, pissed or other bodily fluids
3-a homeless person is passed out and the car reeks!

Brought to you by your friendly neighborhood NYer

Tuesday, July 06, 2010

Oh beautiful for spacious skies...

For amber waves of grain. For purple mountain
Majesties upon this fruitful plain.
America, america, God shed his grace on thee

Sorry folks tried to snap some beautiful
country side photos from my window
while riding the Amtrak train back to NYC!

Monday, July 05, 2010

Weekly Mutterings #388

Brought to you by

8-Retina::eye lens (hope mine never detaches!)
10-Concert::music (this coming Friday I get to see Lady Gaga perform at
Madison Square Gardens!)

Sunday, July 04, 2010

Happy 4th of July!

Tonight the whole family convened at
Baba's to order pizza & watch fireworks
nearby. It was great! We caught the end
of the Wizard of Oz, snacked on cocktail
jumbo shrimps & crudities with french
onion dip too! As for the fireworks which
started at 9:15pm, we didn't have to go
but a few feet outside Baba's door. The
country club across the street were having
fireworks so we grabbed a bunch of folding
chairs and set ourselves up. Awesome
and some of the neighbors followed our
lead too! This has to be an annual family
tradition from now on!
Happy 4th of July!

Saturday, July 03, 2010

Gratitude & manners, the lack of thereof

I stumbled across this quote "Earth
produces nothing worse than an ungrateful
man."-Decimus Magnus Ausonius

I agree! I can't stand people who don't
express thanks or gratitude when
kindness is bestowed on them. It
doesn't cost anything and all it does
is make the others feel good about
their deeds big or small. Now and days
people in their 20s or younger have
zero manners! What's wrong with them?
Where do they get this self-entitlement?
Who brain-washed Generation Y to be
such spoiled brats? Granted some aren't
that way but far too many are.

And this sums up my gripe of the day :(

Thursday, July 01, 2010

Don't be jealous Jack

But I've met a new love tonight...
Yep that's right, Pretzel M&M!
Delicious! Whoever thought of this is a genius!