(From my FB post Nov 16th 2024)
Excited! Today is the day I finally get to reconnect with my bestie Blondie after 7 years of not talking. I feel hopeful the future will be better for us both! We are not the same people we were 7 years ago. We both been through a lot and came out stronger for it!
Send good vibes our way for a successful reunion! It has been in the making for a long long time!
[Update! It was the best 3.5 hrs I have had in ages on video chat. I'm sick with another cold grr but it didn't stop us at all and yes we made up! <3]
From my FB post on Dec 8th 2024
Being with Blondie this weekend was the best 50th belated bday gift a gal could ask for! She's my Hanukkah miracle! <3
I'm still on cloud 9! I had been missing her so bad the last 7 years! She really occupies a big spot in my heart! And I'll never ever stop talking to my bestie again! We both grew up a lot and came out stronger!
Having her in my life has made me feel so much less alone since Mom and Baba died. And we have been having a blast since Nov! I never get tired of her! She's an amazing story teller, funny, smart, sets healthy boundaries and is truly a sweetheart! I can't wait to make more memories with Blondie!
And I'm also in the process of moving out of my beloved city of NY to nearby dirty Jersey! I decided this because I'm ready for a new chapter starting April 1st! I know if Blondie wasn't around I be very very depressed! And she doesn't even have to help me pack but knowing she's around if I need her is such a blessing! We have bonded so much over our grief and how hard it was especially for her losing both Eddie and her Dad a week apart! She's next to my Mom and Baba is the strongest person I know!
Thank you universe for bringing us back together again!