Tuesday, February 21, 2012

'No permanent position'

aptly describes my employment as an instructor we do not have any stability and at times it can be quite stressful. I have made my 'career' this way but I really wish to have more stability because I give 110% to my students and classes, I'd like to be appreciated for it. Instead of treated like a 2nd class citizen with NO rights. I am fortunate because one of my schools is WONDERFUL to me and makes the effort to grant me my scheduling preferences and classroom locations. But that's not to say I didn't have to nudge them a lot in the past to get these things. I am very persistent and like a dog with a bone, I usually don't let go till I get my way. I mean if I am not being given health insurance and other benefits I could at least have a decent classroom to teach out of and a schedule that is appropriate for my lifestyle. It is frustrating these days to not know if I will even earn enough to pay my rent this summer or next fall? With the good school I am secure and happy. But with the 2nd one is always touch and go. How disappointing to have to keep jumping through these hoops every couple of months! I am bummed about this right now.

meanwhile the move last weekend went as smooth as to be expected. Both Baba and I were worn out but more so her because of a recent fall that left her more than just banged up. It hurts me to see someone I love in pain and I really hope the pain lessens for her as each day passes. And that she is adjusting to her new home favorably?

overall life is good with the exception of the above rant about work, I can't complain even tho I did :]

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