Tuesday, January 22, 2013

2013 the Year of the Pathos

So it seems my family is literally falling apart at the seams. The title for this post is so apt.

Baba's sciatica I can only pray is finally loosening its painful grips off on my poor grandmother! I don't know if its REALLY getting better of if Baba is putting on a good face before my departure. I really hope it is?

My uncle Dave as in "Knock knock Penny Jenny...Knock knock Jenny...Knock knock Jenny" came down with pneumonia.

I was informed that my 'pain in the neck' and shoulders and more recently arms are result of bone spurs along my vertebrates specifically C-4 thru C-7 or is it C-8? Lovely, what joy and a nice hefty bill left over from the MRI which I will be paying off of for the next few years.

Tom my Bastard Kitty has an infection in which the 1st set of antibiotics made him sick. I shell out another $30 tonight for a new set and guess what he won't eat it crushed up, I didn't realize the tablets were like enormous. Gawd!

My uncle Robviously as in "don't breathe on my food" has a nice case of psoriasis which of course makes him feel self-concious and I know how it feels. I remember as a pre-teen all the way through my early 20s having really bad acne that still flares up today. Its no fun when your epidermis won't cooperate and makes any stress you're suffering from glaringly Robvious :/

My Mom and Aunt Nancy Drew have their own daily pathos to contend with and perhaps my Doogie Howser Aunt too? I wouldnt know because she never complains.

I found this site called membean quite interesting and informative that path(o) comes from Latin and Greek to mean feel(ings). Such as emPATHy, aPTHAy, symPATHy and so on. There's a cute visual tree on the link too!

I hope for all our sakes come summer we're doing a better than we are now. And as they say (by the way who verbally says this in real life anymore?) but as they say 'this too shall pass'

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