Saturday, June 26, 2021

Deaf Schools Decibel Levels

I will never forget my orientation week with John Y. at MSSD as a freshmen. The 1st day I stepped outside of dorm D, after we had unloaded the car. All I saw was a sea of hands and I was literally dumbstruck as to what I got myself into!
Both my Mom and Baba commented that they thought a Deaf school would be as quiet as a library. Boy they both were wrong and shocked at how noisy a Deaf school is! My Mom said it sounded like someone was getting murdered in the cafeteria! Yep we may be Deaf but we sure aren't quiet! 😁😉😊
MSSD was the best thing that ever happened to me! It changed my life for the better and I still credit the Deaf world for saving me!

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