Sunday, October 08, 2023

My Country Tis of Thee!

As a kid you grow up hearing or seeing spoofs of songs or stories.

One of the ones I grew up with was a ditty of the song "My Country Tis of Thee"  

The original lyrics is as followed;
My country 'tisThis wee sweet land of libertyOf thee I singLand where my fathers diedLand of the pilgrim's prideFrom every mountainsideLet freedom ring
There's is more to the song but the above is the part everyone knows, I hope!?!

Now the version I grew up with goes like this

My country tis of thee, Sweet land of Germany, My name is Fricks! My father was a spy, Shot by the FBI, Oh what a horrible way to die! My name is Fricks

Now thinking about that ditty I realized it probably an insult to the Germans because various versions of the original song started after WWII! Makes a lot of sense!

I wonder if today's kids in NYC still recite the Pledge of the Allegiance? National pride to be an American seems lower these days and I'm not sure why? I'm proud to be an American!

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