Friday, May 04, 2007

Dont'cha just hate it...

When youre somewhere in public and you see someone in your line of vision that looks like someone you know that you keep looking up anyways. Even tho you know its not who you think it is, but still you keep looking...I am at the TC library right now, finished tutoring so am finally catching up on emails, PAH!

Blondie and I nabbed some goodies from a nearby dorm where they were giving clothes away for FREE! Donations accepted for a local charity, you bet we were like vultures, its FREE, whee as Ronnie always says! By the way her son's birthday will be next week, he looks so BIG in the pictures she sent me. God I miss RoNNie! Anyways I was hoping for a freecylce meet this weekend, have 3 bags full of clothes, books to give away. Instead I ended up browsing for local garage sales (which of course is unheard of here, who the heck owns garages??)

Tmw night my Sweets and I will meet in LES for Cinco De Mayo celebration, its a Mexican celebration of the dead. Reminds me a little of Halloween but defintely not as scary. I also snagged him some button shirts where the free clothes were. I enjoy picking up stuff I know or hope he will like?. He liked his bday gift from last weekend, I gave him a gorgeous suhsi set for two people, a book, a "zen" garden. Very simple and he liked them all. We both have been so busy we were having difficulty finding free time to meet this weekend but I am glad hes super busy too.

Szymanski left for California last Wed night into Thurs(about 3am) when the shuttle bus came to pick her up. She decided to take it from Blondies apt as its closer to downtown than her apt.. I stopped by to keep her company till the shuttle bus picked her up for the airport. I ended up crashing there for the night. Then last night while visiting with Eddie and Blondie, it got kinda late and I decided to crash on Eddie's couch, so been feeling like a hobo the past few days, tonight I am sleeping in MY bed.

Our Bronx's class got cancelled for tmw, due to most of the students are taking their SATs. Man I don't envy them at all. I remember when I took mine by in my junior or senior year of MSSD I had pneumonia and I was sooo sick. I remember taking the test and getting dizzy. I eventually at one point ended up playing connect the dots with my answer sheet because my focus was shot and I was running a fever. No wonder I only scored like 850, I didnt care cuz I knew that test doesnt mean squat in the real world. I still went to college and grad school, so SATs do not make or break you.

Got a pay raise at one of my jobs, a $5 an hour increase, yeah! I could sure use the moolah. Tonights is DPHH but I am not in the mood to mingle, I rather start putting away my winter clothes and get out my summer clothes, even tho I need to lose 5-10 lbs. I dont look bad or anything, but when the clothes are tight on me, it doesn't make me feel very attractive. I am soooo waiting on my tax refund, half will go to bills the other half I want to use to get a really good haircut, the $75 kind.

I also have a possible job interview next week, am waiting for a reply back to my email... Plus one interpreting agency seems very interested in adding me to their database even tho I am not RID certified.. hell its MONEY!

alrighty I hope you all have a wonderful weekend! later man....

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