Monday, January 04, 2010

2010 "The Year of Lazy"

Since ringing in the New Years I've
maintained a steady diet of sleeping
in, watching movies, eating well and
trying not to feel guilty for doing
so. For some reason I sometimes feel
like I am viewed as immature because
I have not followed a traditional path
of marriage and children. Plus I feel
like I have a slight cold coming on
or allergies acting up.

I am fortunate my professions
allows me periods of time off. A week
here, a long weekend there and summer
off too. I can't complain compare to
those who hardly get a 3 day weekend and
work all summer long! Mind you I still
work in the summer as my media tech
job. I can't stand too much time off. I
get depressed when there is a lack of
structure in my life. I enjoy being
productive either as a teacher or as
a tech. I still get a thrill whenever I
look over my paycheck stub or the
paycheck itself. I skim over all my deductions
and secretly wonder on my tax refund.
I enjoy earning money. Always have since
age 12 or so. I had a newspaper route and
babysitting gigs. Then around 14 I moved
onto being a bus girl at a restaurant. At 15
I worked at McDonalds at the register
taking people's orders. By 20 worked
as a line cooked (altho did that years
earlier at St. Joseph Hospital coffee
shop- remember Mom?)...

I have a feeling when my retirement
rolls around in another 30 years or so
I'll still work part time. Even if its only
a few days a week. Actually when you
think about it, I could do part time now
and be happy to do it. I have already
instilled a 4 day work week for myself
for the past few years and enjoy it much
more than the traditional 5 days a week

Anyways am enjoying a steady marathon
of Cleopatra 2525 series that my Sweets
brought me for Christmukah gift. I pah
finished my students grades, whee! Had
to leave PA and come back to NYC in
order to do so but that's that.

"Th-th-th-that's all folks!" *imitating Porky Pig*

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Nothing is wrong with the less traditional path. There is more grass and it is less muddy. Trust me. Heart, Nancy