Sunday, January 31, 2010

Still a little tart

So things ended for good between
Szymanski and I a few weeks ago. She
cut me off and I said fine. I couldn't stay
a bobble-head for the rest of our lives.
Always nodding/agreeing with whatever
sprouted from her hands. Never ever being
able to treat her like a real friend.

I don't think about her as much as I
thought I would. And I don't miss her
nearly as much as anticipated. But I
do still think of her every now and then.

What sucks the most about all of it is,
even if we did attempt to be civil and kind
it would be so strained hardly worth
trying at all. And like I've declared to
many this year, 2010 the year when I
am no longer known as "the queen of
second chances!"


Anonymous said...

Hooray for common sense and determination. Baba

DC Deafie said...

Seems like you've given her third, fourth, fifth, a hundred and one I'm a little skeptical, but I really do hope you do what's healthy and right for you and stick to it.

Jack said...

I said this the last two times you cut her off, so I'll just say it again: She still doesn't know her shit from her oatmeal.

deafeningchameleon said...

Oh the 3rd time is a charm. As I stated before, I don't think I could ever trust or be comfortable with her again. She's really off the deep end with no land in sight...