Wednesday, May 26, 2010

Corn fritters!

Last night I finally got around to making
corn fritters, delish! All you need to do
is use is bisquick mix for pancakes, toss
in a bunch of corn (I used frozen) and
toss them into a frying pan with corn oil,
cook em till they're nice and brown and
viola, bon appetit! Thank you Baba & Mom!

Well I haven't blogged in a while for many
reasons. One was the fact I have been
buried in paperwork. With two schools
ending their spring semesters I had a ton
of final exams to grade and course grades
to compute. Plus I started a 1 semester
ASL course crammed into 3 weeks. Yep
I teach an ASL class 4 days a week for
over 3 hours a day! And while its going
just fine its still a lot of work on my end.
I normally have a semester to do grades
for videos assignments, tests, papers etc.,
etc. But I am finding that I can keep up
with the paper work. Just not the grading
the videos! I average 3-4 students an
hour. I have 24 students. This weekend
I must catch up!

Plus last week on my 1st day of class I came
down with such a nasty cold! Not fun, still
have it but its manageable.

In addition to all of this, my family and I came
dangerously close to losing Baba! It all
started with a bad dream I had a week
and a half ago when I woke up on Sunday
morning crying!

My dream was about Baba. I dreamt that she
had told me how tired she had been. That
Robbie (my uncle) would be driving her to
the doctors soon. The next thing I know I
find out she died! What? How? I was so
upset in my dream. I was back at the old
house trying to find answers! My
grandfather, Papa was alive and in their
bedroom folding Baba's things. He
wouldn't let me touch her things or
answer my questions! I got so mad that
I went into their bathroom and punched
through the wall. *in real life previously*
there had been a door that was later
covered by a wall. I saw my uncle David
furiously packing a station wagon
outside the garage. My Mom was in
the basement but I never saw her. And
I couldn't find Robbie to get any answers!
I woke up sobbing and immediately
called Baba to make sure she was ok!
And to insist she see a doctor right away
in case my dream was an omen. She
said she had just been to the doctors.
Then I said then "you're ok right?"

"Well..." she replied not exactly. It seemed
the doctor suspected a blockage in her
heart and she would have more tests
last week. Guess what? That very same
night her neighbor (also a nurse) came
over to visit Baba and immediately called
Robbie to take her to the hospital. It turned
out that it wasn't a blockage to the heart
but numerous clots in her lungs! She stayed
for 1 week so they could run ever tests known
to man to find out what's causing the clots.
They can't figure it out. Of course she's on
blood thinners etc etc.. She just came home
on Sunday recently. And is still extremely
weak! She will be see a blood specialists

Jack & I will head to see her tmw night once
I am done teaching and spend the whole
Memorial day weekend with her. It was so
scary to think we might have lost her. I can't
tell you how upset I was all last week. So
you can see why I haven't been blogging.

Despite how upsetting my dream was, I am
grateful I had it. Because what if I hadn't had
it and not called Baba. Perhaps she wouldn't
have gone to the hospital telling everyone she
would be ok till they ran the tests? I don't know
but I do know that if you ever have a dream
like mine about someone you care about.
Check in on them. Don't ever dismiss it.

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