Tuesday, October 05, 2010

A great bumper sticker

I saw today a great bumper sticker that
read "if progress means moving forward,
what does congress mean?" true true!

Well MICA (www.micarunway) is only days
away. I was sad to learn that the reality
star I had contacted won't be able to attend.
It would've been such a neat experience to
have her come. But that's life, its full of
minor disappointments. However I am
still excited to be a part of this 3 day event.
The past few Saturdays filming has been
awesome. I feel so at home behind a
camera lens. I enjoy especially trying to
take shots that allow the viewers to see
through the eyes of the models, what they're
going through etc etc.. I also successfully
got several contributing sponsors. I wasn't
able to get one alcohol company that
seemed interested in our event and then
without any explanation they declined.
I sent a follow up email to inquire why
our event was declined? This way I can
avoid this rookie mistake in the future.
My motto when it comes to fundraising
or asking for product donations is
"If you don't ask, you don't get!"
Its true. The worst thing that can happen
is they deny my request. This and
past experience of fundraising has
tempted me to learn how to be a good
grant writer. It would be a valuable
skill to have in any regard. Especially
within the Deaf world where we are
often overlooked or an after thought.

My classes are going well. I've changed
some techniques this year and I think
its helping. I do still struggle with how
to make my midterm and final exam more
challenging? On www.ratemyprofessor.com
I still have high marks and terrific
comments left by former students. They
all had the same remark that my class
exams are an easy. That does not sit
well with me because I am teaching
college level, therefore I better find
a way to make them harder. Part of
it is that I always hand out a detailed
outline of what will be on the exam so
as long as the student actually use the
outline they do well. I have seen some
students obviously didn't use the outline
and it showed on their exams. So maybe
its a matter of the scoring system? I
am not sure but midterms are not far
off so I better get to it!

Jack's new car is a dream! I don't even
miss his old beamer. Yes it was a nice
car but this new one is amazing! I love
everything about it from the color of the
car exterior and interior to the size etc etc.
I will have to snap some photos and post
at a later date. Jack did a great job! I
admire his ability to work on cars and
his mechanical brain!

Well the 2 train is here and its off
to the Bronx to teach!

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Wow! Great comments coming from your students. Like you, I'm concerned that they considered it an "easy A." But you'll know how to turn that around. I like the idea of learning grant writing. Might be something to look into. Love you, Baba