Wednesday, January 18, 2012


Pah! My 1st post for the new year :)
I must say my New Years this year was one of the best ever! I rang in the NYE with my best friend Blondie along with Red Hots, Little Orphan Annie and some other cool folks. The gays outnumbered the straights. FUN! It was exactly what I was in the mood for a HOUSE partay with an Omega backyard too.

Here's me and Red Hots *sizzle!*

Chasity & Red Dog!
They'd make a handsome couple if they were straight but instead they make a sexy Gay couple!

On New Years Day I dance my tush off with Goddess Rose and her man.

Here I am at Pier 94 along with probably 5,000-10,000 other folks dancing away
and having a grand old time!

Me with Goddess Rose who made New Years Day possible!
And infected me with the dancing bug! Thank you, I am loving it!!!

And we got to meet Dean Winters! Yep the hottie from OZ!

Dean was so nice and a real sweetheart! I liked that he was down to earth and just vibing with everyone else. I HEART NYC!!!

I am sooo excited to be dancing near Dean Winters! Of course when he was looking I played it all cool like 'oh I rub elbows with famous peeps all the time! ~ Yeah Right!'

New Years Day that night I changed up my makeup and apparently this is the look I should go for more often! Got a lot of compliments on FB, nice ego boost!

Today was my 1st day back to work and I am glad I only work today and am off the rest of the week. I am still on vacation mode. For fun I included several slides in my powerpoint in which I told students 2 truths and 1 lie. For example I did one where did I ever get a nose job? Did I get LASIK done? Did I wear braces? Of course my nose is au naturel! The one I thought was so interesting was the question where I asked which of these 3 actors have I met? JC Chasez? Johnny Galecki? Dean Winters? In both of my classes today more people thought I had never met Dean Winters compared to the other two. I guess everyone wants to meet the man who played O'Reilly! It was fun to show them the next slide with Dean's photo and JC Chasez from back at MSSD days I think 1991 or 92?

I just dig meeting celebrities, my goodness I've met quite a few like Henry Wrinkler the FONZ, Cynthia Nixon, David Blaine, and many supporting actors too. I think its inevitable if you live in a big city like this one! I even shook hands with Richard Nixon who having shook many other Deafie's hands during a field trip to the capitol was shocked when I replied "I am doing well!" Cuz as he shook hands with each student he say the same thing "how ya doing?" then shake the next hand and most of my peers didn't verbally respond till I did ;P They weren't exaggerating his nose in those cartoons I kid you not!

Also Blondie, god bless her helped me get my apartment all squared away finally! I can't ever thank her enough for all of her help. I was living in a literal pit of despair for 8 months and now my apartment looks like a HOME! I even arranged my books by color as suggested in one article on how to make your bookcase look less cluttered. I've been reading up on feng shui apartment living too. I want one of those zen water fountains as water symbolizes abundance and prosperity. Been scanning on ebay for one that stands out to me and screams BUY ME! You see this year for 2012 I have 2 mottoes

1st motto is "it's all about me baby!" after years of putting everyone ahead of myself, I've decided to give myself the same attention I give others :]

2nd motto is "if I don't absolutely LOVE it, I won't eat it, buy it, wear it, use it..." etc., etc..and so far its working! So until I stumble across my dream water fountain and have the dough to buy one (I don't want anything terribly expensive or large but soothing and pleasing to the eyes).

Now my dream WANT is a product made by a company called CONMOTO which makes a product called RollFire! A portable fireplace but the price tag on this starts at about $3700! I want I want I want!

Seriously how cool would that be to have in your home? So sleek and trendy and best of all FIRE my favorite element! I guess being a fire sign and having a deep respect for FIRE both its ability to destroy as well as create to me is just inspiring! No worries I am not a pyromaniac :-] According to Feng Shui FIRE symbolizes energy and passion. And it is suggested it not be used too much in the bedroom as it is a place of rest but if properly situated it can bring romance to your life. Right now I am boycotting men and romance in favor of my 1st motto this year. Perhaps in 2013 I'll want to date but right now I am enjoying my life too much to play house again anytime soon!

Okay I've yammered on enough. Hopefully things will keep going well as they have been and I have to say I haven't been this happy and content in so long its nice to be back! As Baba used to say a Shakespeare quote "to thy own self be true" and baby I am doing that!


Rachel said...

Published your photos with Dean on my website. I hope you do not mind!

Rachel said...

Published your photos with Dean on my website ( I hope you do not mind!