of 'getting my shit together' so to speak. I am determined to take my problematic issues resulting from ADD headon and modify my behavior. I just cannot function in chaos anymore. I feel defeated and my threshold for chronic disorganizaton has reached an all time low. I think its because knowing that for years now all I ever do is move piles I can no longer tolerate the madness. The inability to find things, the costs of not finding things like metro cards that already have balances on them. Or items of clothing I already have but cannot locate such as a bathing suit, ugh then I got to go out and buy a new one! Worst is when a bill gets accidently overlooked and it rarely does but recently with dealing with 3 different school loan sources and having to renew deferments/forebearance every 6 months makes it hard to remember which expired when etc etc. For example one loan I remember calling 2 months ago and explaining that summer time I am mostly unemployed and cannot make payments. I know that my current extension is active but due to end soon. They of course emailed me the link to their website to reapply online. So I did. Or I thought I did. Fast forward to a few days ago I called this loan company due to a recent bill stating I was late and owed a late fee in addition to the monthly payments. I was surprised so I called up and said I had reapplied for extension and finally after some back and forth with the rep he stated, oh I see you LOGGED onto our website but you did not finish the online form! Ugh seriously how can this be?!? So now tomorrow that I'm healthy enough I must use my friend's computer and apply online. This is one example of how a system for like bills is needed which an ADD coach would be viable for.
Man the 1st thing I'll do if I ever get a job that gives me health insurance is to seek out what services I can get for my ADD. I really want the help I just can't afford it. Very depressing state of affairs our country is in over our healthcare options and economic woes.
Sunday, July 15, 2012
Its a LONG process
Nyquil to the rescue!
So because I've been cooped up for several days sleeping and existing my ADD brain is dying for stimulation. So I sorted papers today. Ugh I somehow amassed like 5 years worth of bills and crap. And I realize after a trash bag full of papers with black marker blackouts I need a shredder stat! Yep still too much stuff that needs to be discarded correctly and safely. I want to keep the paper shredder (when I can afford one later this fall) by my front door so that when I get unnecessary bills or have sensitive paperwork I can shred it immediately. So many conflicting advice on what to keep and for how long. I agree with Blondie about keeping any last bill tht shows I am paid in full and then discard the rest in terms of ultilities cc etc etc..good idea.
So now my brain is all buzzing from doing this for hours that I am taking 1 nyquil to help me get my butt to sleep. I don want any setbacks :]
Nighty night
Friday, July 13, 2012
Summer colds SUCK!
Currently home bound due to a summer cold that came out of nowhere and bam, has me flat on my back for the last 2 days! I've been drinking lots of water & tea, sleeping for long stretches and keeping from dying from boredom via tv and my smart phone. No appetite today, but will try to eat some simple chicken noodle soup soon. I had it yesterday 2xs and it was mana from the gods. I am achy too so I keep fidgeting to get comfortable.
This really bytes because I was JUST starting my summer break! I had plans this week to take care of a lot of things but that has gone to hell in a handbasket. I'm pretty useless right now. Ugh I hate this.
My friend Goddess Rose and her bf graciously stopped by and dropped off nyquil, thank YOU!
I was too sick to even really see my aunt Nancy who happened to be passing near where I live on her way home from a trip to Maine.
I know I'm all whinny and being childish its the ADD in me acting up. I just was looking forward to being here in the city without wrking and enjoying my home. Instead I'm all sick and gross and currently keeping the klennex industry afloat. Any tissue box shortages are my fault.
Ill crawl back out again in a few days...