Friday, March 19, 2010

2 things I can live without

Allergies & Humidity. Didn't miss either one
this past winter. My allergies are back with a
vengeance! For me since I already have bad
sinuses, allergies can induce some serious
light-headiness. Not fun! Plus the constant
stream of sneezes and grabbing tissues is
not something I am looking forward to for
the next few months. Ah, "C'est la vie"
translated- such is life.
Or as some people I know, like to say
It is what it is.
Wasn't able to finish both colleges midterms
like I had originally planned. Only 1 school
is completely done. The other one I INTEND
to do on the train ride to PA this afternoon.
I read online last night that if you want to
be more disciplined, make public
statements. Why? When people make
public announcements of their intentions
more often than not we follow through to
avoid looking bad to the public. Hmm, lets
see if it works for me? In terms of paper-
work related to teaching the only other
item left is to grade videos. ASL students
videos which are SO time consuming to
grade. Id be interested in a chance to
observe other foreign language teachers
at college level to see how they conduct
their classes and assess students' work?
I wonder if I can do that at one of my
schools over the summer? Couldn't
hurt to set up a meeting with my boss
and ask.
Completed the US Census 2010 Form
last night for Jack and me. It was very
brief and easy to fill out. Make sure you
do yours TOO! Its our civic duty you know.
I really do take pride in the opportunity to
vote and participate in the US Census.
What was extremely interesting to me was
how the one section explicitly explains that
Hispanic, Latino, PR, DR, Mexicans etc etc
are not considered a RACE. Then beneath
it it listed all the other ones. Oddly there
were several Asian races listed I think?
Can't quite remember, where as for Blacks
only African American was listed. Huh? I
recall the whole debate about the Hispanic
people not being a race. Still it was strange
to see it as one of the main components of
the census itself.
By the way, as one of my favorite indulgent
snacks when traveling is Auntie Annie's
pretzels but only if they're pipping hot.
The one I am noshing on now isn't even
luke warm, what a shame :( Will save the
rest for later, my pretzel has a date with
the microwave tonight!
I am more than READY for this break
and visiting the family! Plus the
weather is gorgeous despite allergies
and humidity.
Lastly, my main goal for this visit, is a
little rejuvenation and I just don't want
to have to "think" or have major
responsibilities for the next few days :}

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