Thursday, April 01, 2010

Precious the movie

Last night Jack & I finally got a copy of
the movie "Precious." It sure was a good
movie, very nitty gritty and reminded me a
lot of the life I saw in DC/Baltimore area
as well as Harlem where I now reside.
This movie cannot be summarized, its
shocking, well performed and extremely
tragic story. Monique who played Precious
mother was at her finest acting I've ever
seen. I spent a lot of the movie wanting to
jump into the story and wrap my arms around
Precious and some of the other characters.
No one, no matter what size they are or
race they're from should ever live in those
conditions. Sadly this story may have been
based on fiction but it surely wasn't far from
the truth. If anything I hope it serves as a
wake up call for everyone that we need to
help each other and break the patterns of
abuse seen in poor minority based

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