Thursday, July 22, 2010

For my low-vision readers

For those of you who felt my previous blog template was hard to read, please let me know how this looks now? If its still bothersome, I will change to a simple black and white template, but I do dig the blue.

In other news I have a pain in the neck, literally! It all started about 5-6 weeks ago, I felt a mild pain in the area where the neck, shoulder meet. Thinking I had slept the wrong way or bunched up it would go away. Fast forward to 2 visits to 6 Flags and then bringing my mother 2 kitchen table chairs last Monday, the pain grew worse and started to spread down my back :( Not fun. I ended up at the doctor's tuesday where he prescribed a muscle relaxer and prednisone for my inflammation. Neither did squat, and the pain really began to bug me out! I went back today and it turns out my neck muscle is so tensed that the new doctor, a real swell guy explained I had or have pinched nerve(s) along with muscle spasms. Lovely indeed, not. I also did not react well to the prednisone, gave me this annoying headache and neither of the 1st batch of meds helped, so today I got a different batch and ahh finally some relief. I will also see a physical therapist Monday to work out the kinks and get those muscle fibers to loosen their death grips and free up the nerves. This may put a damper on my plans to volunteer at another camp the 1st week of August but my health must come first.

Meanwhile Jack came back from NYC and its nice having him home with Baba and me. He drove me to the doctors this morning too and in his own way, taking care of me the way men do, sort of by my instructions and somewhat gentle nudges. The best medicine by far are is sweet kisses, as he has the nicest lips ever. We stopped by one of those redboxes and grabbed 2 movies for a stay home kind of day. The meds make me tired but I was tired anyways because every time I rolled over to my right side (I am a side sleeper, not the kind who sleep on their stomach or back), I would wake up in pain. Speaking of pain, I am due for another painkiller shortly along with a muscle relaxer in a few hours. No it doesn't make me loopy or give me a high like some painkillers do. I am deathly allergic to codeine or any morphine derivatives, they make me sicker than a mule or cow with mad cow disease ha ha, remember mad cow? Apparently the kind of painkiller I am taking is chloroform, the old anesthesia used back in the day and it does help.

Hopefully I will feel back to normal in a few weeks, but what I really hope for is a good night's sleep with a lot less pain in the next day or two. Alrighty, time to get back to the movie Jack and I are watching, he is impatiently waiting for me to finish this post ;-)

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