Friday, July 09, 2010

No Maine visit this year

Well I came home from my 2nd tax
preparation session and let me say, I am
not happy :( I will receive a measly $95
from federal and stupid me I paid them
$100 because I was very tired when I did
it and meant to pay them $25 and the state
$100. But it happened the other way around.
Now I gotta hope/pray/do a rain dance that
the federal government refunds me that
$100? Otherwise I am gonna have to chase
it down! Meanwhile I owe state a little
more than $1100! Ay yi yi, and so far I've
only paid them $25. The worst part of it
all is last year working at the Maine camp
actually cost me more than I earned and
really skewed my taxes! In fact I realize
going to work at the camp again this
summer would just recreate problems for
me when its time to do 2010 taxes. I sent
Ronnie an apologetic email stating I
wouldn't be able to come this year and
it sucks! Lucky for me, she was completely
understanding but this will be the 1st
summer in like 5 years I won't be going to
Maine, not cool. Plus I spent almost
$300 getting my taxes done in total, argh!
I sort of wanna join those crazy militants
in the mid-west who live off the grid,
hunting and fishing, sprouting out anti-
government sentiments about refusing to
pay taxes!

Unfortunately we do hafta pay taxes and
here's a nifty link that debunks all the
floating myths out there about not having
to pay taxes!
I do however wish there was a section on
the tax return in which we could check off
how we want our taxes used for? Such as
education, road repairs, hospitals etc etc..
I mean if we have to pay them, I think we
would feel better knowing where the $$$
goes to? I know it would take some of the
sting out with having to owe anything.

But damn as a recent graduate who works
3 jobs and barely gets by I resent the
amount of taxes I am hit with. Specifically
with NYC! They really get you for working
out of state but unfortunately for me, I
have to. I guess this Fall I will have to set
up automatic deductions from both jobs
to set aside $$ into a savings accounts
so that next Spring I can just pay the state
taxes without feeling violated.

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