Sunday, February 06, 2011


Some Deafies may not be aware of this terrific organization called Described and Captioned Media Program. Its a free government sponsored organization that provides media materials to the Deaf and Blind. I've been a member for years now and recently its been a real life saver. Why? Because the media on this site are all educational related (so if you're looking for the newest blockbuster movie, this isn't the site to go to). But if you're looking for videos on cell life and basic molecular atoms. Or you want to learn some history like who really was Alexander Graham Bell? This is the site for you. You must either be DEAF or BLIND, a student or an educator to join. Lucky for me I am both. They provide different media formats, CD-ROMS, DVD, WEB & STREAMING. So for the past 24 hours I have been able to watch stream content on cells and chemistry and it helps a lot.

On Friday I got to see Blondie and Eddie, it was my "fun" quota of the week. Since I've turned into basically a science nerd with no life, I have to actually make sure I have fun at least 1x a week. Even if its only for a few hours. It was good to see them and vent about my worries on chemistry and being able to understand organic compounds and so on. Its getting easier each day I try and study. I still have left to cover pH, bases and acids as well as a few more areas. My first A&PI exam is on Tuesday and I want to do well. The professor wasn't kidding that you should spend an average of 10-12 hours a week studying and believe me I do and more. I usually study for blocks of 2-5 hours at a time. Some days due to work and life I just don't have the time, so studying in large blocks works better for me. I found some quotes to help keep me motivated

Research is what I'm doing when I don't know what I'm doing. ~Wernher Von Braun

The greatest discoveries of science have always been those that forced us to rethink our beliefs about the universe and our place in it. ~Robert L. Park, in The New York Times, 7 December 1999

The whole of science is nothing more than a refinement of everyday thinking. ~Albert Einstein

If it's green or wriggles, it's biology.
If it stinks, it's chemistry.
If it doesn't work, it's physics.
~Handy Guide to Science

The universe is full of magical things patiently waiting for our wits to grow sharper. ~Eden Phillpotts, A Shadow Passes

One fascinating thing I have discovered since starting this A&P I course is how all the things I have studied in the past are being verified, explained or reinforced by what I am learning now. I never imagine that I would appreciate chemistry and atoms the way I am now. Its just absolutely captivating all the little ah-ha moments I have had over the past few weeks. The fact is, the structure of atoms is one of the universal patterns found in all region of life/matter. See there are repeating shapes found in several categories such as Sacred Geometry or Metapatterns or even Universal/Geometric Natural patterns. These patterns include shapes/concepts like the Golden Mean (branching, human lungs, plants), Fractals (snowflakes, ocean waves), Spheres (balls, atoms), Meander (rivers, streams), Radial Ripple (explosions, fireworks, flowers), Alternation (infinity/8-shape), Close-packing (Clusters-where the shape packs repeating items as close together as possible such as a honeycomb) and Spiral/Helix (DNA, seashells). Out of all of these patterns, one of them is guaranteed to be found in anything and everything. All my life I have always been drawn to universal patterns both on a micro and macro scale. This to me is the closest thing we can learn about and study to understand God or the life force. And I am finding that my science studies are helping to broaden these concepts.

This past Friday was also Baba's 85th bday and I was disappointed I couldn't be there to celebrate. Baba assured me it was a nice birthday sans moi. Oh well, you know what they say, you snooze, you lose so I had to sacrifice something in order to have time to do all the studying, grading students' papers and videos and still be able to do some laundry. I also feel kind of dumpy lately because while I am super busy, I am not moving much because studying is sort of a sedetary activity. Perhaps when the weather gets warmer I may actually do the cliche thing and study at a park somewhere. Nah, I know myself too well. I find I study best in my bed with the tv playing or in the living with the tv on. I don't watch it, it just needs to be on.

I did watch 2 different movies over the weekend during my downtime from studying. One was called Cats Don't Dance which was ok, it had a lot nostalgic moments borrowed from the golden age of Hollywood but overall it was satisfactory to watch. I needed to watch things that don't require heavy thinking or mental investments so I picked a different kids movie called G-Force which was a lot better. I got a kick out of this movie made in 2009 about a group of Guinea pigs who are trained as special agents. It was deftly done! Really enjoyed it and think any one of any age would get a kick out of some of the scenes or things that were said. If you need a fun, light movie to watch I highly recommend G Force (which by the way is subtitled by Netflix and available for streaming).

So another week coming up and not much exciting is happening in my near future but that's life. I am gonna keep my head buried in the books and occasionally peek out for some merriment.

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