Monday, May 23, 2011

Happy Bappy

My aunt Nancy says some really funny things at time. "Happy Bappy" is one of them. So after spending a day on my computer, 1/2 on a research paper that I am still not finished with. About 2/3rds done. The other half on lesson plans I have a little time to think about what makes me happy. It seemed like for a while there being buried with work and school I couldn't really do the things that make me happy. So I sort of forgot and decided, wait a minute, I gotta make a list. Cuz lists make me happy bappy!

-traveling; nationally or international or 1 block over, I love to travel and meet new people!
-film making
-photography if done creatively or with a purpose
-sharing experiences especially new ones
-meeting my friend's families or their friends
-playing pool, shooting darts, arcades
-any type of carnival or festival
-doing things you can only do in NYC
-being kind, volunteering or just being a good friend or family member
-spending time with my bastard kitty Tom and other pets that I like such as Eddie's cat Mia. Or feeding wild animals like birds or squirrels
-attending some live performances *plays, dance, music concerts, art work...*
-attending some sporting events be it local, college or professional level, I am all about team spirit and getting into the moment
-reading or learning new things on my own or in a class or with others
-collaboration in any form that helps me or the another person achieve common goals or each others' individual goals. I feel lucky I have many people here in this city to do that with!
-playing board games, cards, or doing jig saw puzzles
-learning new phrases or words in other languages be it spoken-(if I can?) but more likely can learn to write it or other sign languages. I still get a major kick out of the sign Knob picked up during her stay in Ireland and taught me how to sign FANCY such as I FANCY YOU. You use the LIKE sign only instead of on the middle of your chest, you do it on your throat. So cute! And while Uno Gestures is not a language but a communication system, I enjoyed learning and using that one as well.
-being an advocate in what I believe in and doing my part to the best of my abilities
-my friends and family make me very happy just because they are who they are. Life to me is like a book, each person adds character and enriches my world.
-seeing people around me who I care about succeed in their own challenges or goals
-sleeping in
-saving money, its such a rush to see the bottom of my store receipts and see the total amount I saved. Bonus points for the receipts that tell me my total yearly savings! Yes yes yes!
-going back to school for a 2nd degree in OT, while the science classes are very hard, I am loving that I don't let that stand in my way at all. I earned that hard A- in my A&P I class which makes me VERY HAPPY!

And with this free time, I am reaching out to friends that I couldn't do before with the yoke I was wearing. Its such an ahh feeling right now. I sure hope the summer doesn't rush by me. I am only just beginning to relax. This memorial day weekend will be really awesome because I will spend it with my family who I haven't seen in about 2 months! Which as most of you know is too long of a time for me. I see peanut butter whoopee pies in my near future (and Baba don't you dare wear yourself preparing for my visit, I can get those whoopie pies on my own). I am coming to see YOU and Mom and the family :)


Anonymous said...

Charming! What a wonderful blog. I enjoyed reading every word of it. Congratulations on a well-earned A- in A&P. You really are some wonderful girl. Love, Baba

Anonymous said...

see you soon! :D >'O'<