Friday, July 08, 2011

Humpty-dumpty had a great fall

All the king's horses and all the king's men
Couldn't put Humpty back together again

Right now am feeling very emo (I recently learned that it means emotional) today. My period started last night and my hormones are making me more sensitive than usual, which I really hate!

So its been about 3 months now since the break-up began, probably longer than that but "officially" 3 months now. I miss my ex in some ways, but in many ways I don't because of the constant fighting and stress. Both of us tried our hardest to make things work but like humpty-dumpty it was shattered beyond repair. Its like taking a bunch of rocks and smashing them into a window, and the window is left in shards. Those shards are what I am feeling today.

I am not one of those exes who blame my ex for everything went wrong, I too took part in all of this mess. But sometimes its just better to walk away. It hasn't been easy to study through all of this and because I spend a lot of time alone studying or saving money, I am feeling very despondent today. I know it will pass but its hard adjustment living alone again, peaceful yes but hard.

Going to Maine last week was the best thing to happen to me in a while. To be surrounded by many strong Deaf women at DWU conference was AWESOME! and to spend time with Ronnie and her family and friends, double the fun! I even made some new unforgettable friends too. But having arrived back only 3 days ago, it feels like it was so long ago now. I am just wallowing I suppose?

Tmw I will see my friend Ellie and today I am just going to cut myself some slack and get some rest, try to study for my exam and keep on moving!

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