Saturday, July 23, 2011

Summer fever!

I am in the throes of summer fever! I just want to be around people all the time! I have reverted to my happy Deafie go lucky self again. Its good to be back. For example I got to hang with a close friend last night who I really lost touch with. We stayed up till 5:15am just talking. It was great, since the friggin heat wave has left me mostly uncomfortable and unable to study. And forget trying to really cook, I have been living on fruit and water. Its the only thing along with protein I have been really eating. Water melon, nectarines, blue berries, strawberries, peaches, mango, bananas, black berries, raspberries and clementines, yum yum! So because its so damn hot out, I decided to drive home at 6am where there was no traffic. And I found a primo parking spot right in front of my building! Is that lucky or what? But starting Monday I gotta put my nose to the books and STUDY. I have 2 exams the following week. I can still play but not like I have these past few days. I feel like snoopy from charlie brown, where you see him jumping up with glee, that's me these days!

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