Tuesday, July 12, 2011

When the cat's away

the mice will play. Sort of the theme for me lately. I have been much more social even if its mostly online and through emails. I tested out the VP on my phone and unfortunately I can see others but they can't see me too well. My phone keeps losing the 4G signal. I guess while I am in my hometown this weekend I will stop by the Sprint store and inquire further about that and my battery conservatory. Jesus these smart phones drawn a battery like mosquitoes do to humans! You don't realize it till its too late! But other than these 2 complaints I still LOVE my phone :]

I got some studying done today and a lot yesterday so I really feel like I am getting it, I still struggle with the cardiac output/blood pressure/volumes as well as the conducting system. But whats the hardest by far is the body's regulation of cardiac functions through neural, hormonal and uhhhh there's one more but its 1:15am so I am excused...anyways these 3 mechanisms have a interchange of plays and its hard to really completely get it. I got to say I have a new found respect for people in the medical field. I had no idea how high their standards are and I am more than happy by the challenge of it. Go anatomy!!!

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