Friday, November 04, 2011

Halloween '11

Blondie, Red Hots, Little Orphan Annie and I celebrated Halloween by feasting on Chinese food, pumpkin pie, candy apples and all other kinds of junk food that we really shouldn't eat but did anyways. Poor Little Orphan Annie was not able to partake in the face makeup portion of the evening due to work early the next morning, but here are the belated late 70s, early 80s inspired Halloween photos :)

Dunno what we were looking at but we're happy BFF forever (coined circa 1980s!)

Having an "Oh" moment if you will

I don't know why but this photo of Red Hots creeps me out, like some kind of neurotic monk or something?

Oooooh look at the pretty and I bet tasty for monsters, candy corn fingernails!

Blondie enjoying her albino 'Bianca' pumpkin

Watch out Lees press on nails!

Me signing PUMPKIN

a Star is born in the universe every second they say

Girls still wanna have fun!
*psst* Red Hots, you can't be trying to be a 'Deaf Whisper'!

Blondies attempt to be sexy, me I am trying to be coy, did we pull it off?

Red Hots behind a screen, yep that's where they keep her, for everyone's safety ;P

Who you gonna call? Ghostbusters!

Close up of my infamous overbite, er I mean Kiss inspired star!

Looks like I am about to use the MM "CHA" like that MOUNTAIN BIG (CHA)!

Couldn't Blondie play Queen of the elves or fairy easily?!

Eye see u
Halloween '11 was a "blast from the past, Man!"

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