Tuesday, November 15, 2011

Your body is your Temple

I have always made a concious effort to include fresh fruits but not so much veggies in my diet. Lately though I've doubled my fruit intake and have added more veggies to my everyday eating habits and guess what? I feel fuller overall and am eating less. Amazing! I think the key to eating lots of raw fruits and veggies is to mix it up. Like this week there is a sale on berries (Blue, black & raspberries) so I've been eating that nightly with lots of whipped cream (low cal and taste so good with the berries mixed up). Ive also been eating more raw carrots, cucumbers and tomatoes plain or with hummus. I tried them with home made guacamole but the flavor gets blurred so instead I've been snacking the guacamole on organic tortilla chips, yummy. Plus I got mangoes and some tangerines along with banana on hand for snacks. I am pretty proud of myself for making these changes, I am sure my waistline which is quite bloated from a lot of the process food I've eaten during the very stressful times will slim down. I already feel more healthy even tho I had a cold over the weekend it was gone in 2 days with no lingering effects. I am determined to be healthier all around. As we Jews like to say our body is our Temple.

In other news Canstruction this year bombed and not in a good way. I was so disappointed with the lackluster variety of sculptures, I assume its a reflection of the economy? Same thing when I went to the Greek Bazaar this year, the one room called the Attic where church members donate things to be sold (yard sale style) is usually packed with stuff but this year it was bare and slim pickings. I think both me and Nancy were surprised. Again symbolic for the hard times our country is going through.

My friend had her baby boy last night, how thrilling for her and her husband. I am looking forward to seeing her in the hospital on Thursday. She will be released on Friday and is staying due to recovering from a C-section. After my anatomy courses, I have a lot of reservations about C-sections because you are literally cutting through four layers of abdominal muscles. Not good and I only imagine quite painful. It will be good to see her post pregnancy and its an exciting time all around. Also my friend Ronnie got engaged over the weekend too. Her fiancee contacted me about a month ago to invite me to the engagement party (in Maine) but due to lack of funds and time I had to decline. However a bunch of us here in NYC made a cute congratulatory video which Ronnie loved, Whee! And Baba has awesome news as well, there is a strong possibility she will get to move into a retirement community that is the Ritz Carlton or Waldorf of my hometown.

Lastly filming that tanker fire on the nj turnpike was an amazing experience in itself. Witnessing that raw level of energy with my own eyes and feeling the heat searing my skin nearby insane! I am almost to 3,000 views in 7 days. The 1st 2 days after I posted the video is when I got the highest volume of hits. And my video was featured on channel 7 ABCnews in all of their news reports of the day (noon, 5pm, 6pm & 11pm) and I was able to see it at the 5pm showing and Car-man saw it earlier that day at noon and told me about it.

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