Wednesday, August 27, 2014

The Power of Now and its ramifications...

There's nothing worse and demoralizing to feel helpless or that no one is helping you. That all you can do is TRY to keep your head above waters. Some days its way more tiring burden then others.

Right now a family member is in crisis and this crisis of course has a ripple effect that sadly brings out sometimes the worst in us. My family has never been one to sit down and have an 'open dialogue' like you see on the shows such as "Wife Swap" "Super Nanny" "Shalom in the Home" and so on. I watch these shows and applaud these people for being willing to open and honest with one another. But instead, we, my family tends to cluster in pairs or small groups. I am worried for this person. I am worried for them a lot and I feel this crushing weight of responsibility that makes me want to run off and escape. I feel disgraceful and like this is a reflection of my love for this family member(s) but that's not the case at all. Its just that I too have my limitations and a finite amount of inner resources and I just honestly don't know how to proactively help? However I do know myself well enough to know I am not capable of ruminating about the problem if there is no known solution. It wears me down. I know other people cope with stress differently and I wish I wasn't a highly sensitive person.

As of late, I have been dancing, listening good music, good company and its my way of coping I guess. I have also tried to seize as many opportunity to swim whether its in a lake or in a pool. I am glad I went swimming a lot more this summer than I had in the past. I look at it this way, its healthy for me, dancing and swimming. Besides I also live in the greatest f*cking city in the US (I can't speak of other international cities) I would be a fool not to seize the opportunities that come my way. Even if it means getting sick and run down. I rather do as much living as I can while I can. I just find it so damn hard to strike a healthy balance between being there for my family and love ones and still enjoying my last bit of freedom. I am also bummed my vacation that ends next week.

Baba remarked to me today or yesterday that her sister Miriam was also well loved. My aunt Miriam passed away recently a few months ago, just shy of her 93rd birthday. My first ex was also baffled and I think jealous of that too, he couldn't understand why I was so well liked. Even my last ex noticed and would make sometimes good observations about why he thought people reacted to me the way they did. Then again he also tried to brainwash me that I was somehow 'different' then all the other Deafies!?! Which I really hated. And I since I am a highly sensitive person, it can be both a blessing and a curse. A blessing because I guess I am more relatable than the average Jane and but a curse because I am more relatable than the average Jane. Its ironic too because growing up I was lonely but since my high school days at MSSD, I have hardly felt lonely but instead been so lucky, blessed, fortunate whatever the right terminology to have so many wonderful friends in my life both close and afar. Along with a wonderful and loving family, I know I am not alone.

I know I can come off as gregarious at times but the reality is. I in those moments am doing what Osho Eckhart Tolle once wrote "live in the now" basically be present in the moment. But it can come back to haunt me because while I of course tend to write or post or photograph mostly the positive times in my life, it opens me up to judgement. Thus leads me back to feeling too much and on and on we go...But now having vented on here and checking my period tracker app, I know I am just being a little emo tonight and rightly so!

Saturday, August 16, 2014

Amazing birthday marathon!

So I managed to do a 6 day birthday marathon before I along with several others caught a summer cold of sorts. Of course I got it worst than everyone else as usual. I accept I have a weak immune system, it is a fact and I don't dispute it one bit. I am home again today with a cold that has turned into I think a chest cold. If I am not better in a few more days or still coughing up icky stuff then off to the doctors I go. I don't want or need bronchitis! Its kind of funny because the other day before I got sick I was thinking how long its been since I was really sick with anything other than headaches and body aches that goes along with chronic bouts of fibromyalgia, meaning things like colds, upset stomach some kind of bug caught ailment. I am sure it has a LOT to do with the fact I am not under chronic stress or in a dysfunctional relationship that eroded my self esteem. I know it t has a lot to do with me being healthier over all. Plus this cold while annoying and not fun, isn't as bad as having the flu or a real major fibro flare up! And I am lucky because I am on vacation so the normal guilt I feel when I am sick and missing work isn't there making me feel 10xs worst. Instead I am medicating myself with dayquil, nyquil and gone into hibernation bear mode where I just sleep sleep sleep and let me body fight the invaders. Watch tv, listen to good music and FB with friends. Plus I have been Skyping or FTing with friends as well, technology is great!

Also earlier in the week someone threw a hissy fit and instead of getting annoyed I just posted funnies about angry people :P

Moving on from the my birthday cake!

Mama Raccoon was so sweet to bake me a "pioneer cocoa chocolate cake!" with cute little star candles, how loved am I?!


The lake was my little slice of heaven! I can't wait to go back Labor day weekend!

Back to my birthday marathon this past week! I had so much fun, saw so many friends it humbled me tremendously to know many people care about me. Sometimes it takes me by surprise, like what's the fuss for? 'little old me?' nah, and I occassionally look around to see who its really for. Yeah I know self esteem not always at an all time high. But its wayyyyy better than it used to be. That's the positive with getting older, you just don't care anymore and focus on what makes you happy and your small world you live in.

Thursday, August 14, 2014

I HEART House Music!!!

So what's House Music all about for the mere vanilla Dick and Jane? One word or actually its probably closer to two but it's  A Hive...  As long as there's good music, people will dance. Once you're bitten by House Music, the music just keeps on playing. Totally LOVE Love LOVE that about NYC night life. I'm spoiled when I go out of town, no where is the night life comparable to NY!  Bottom line just shut up and dance! W00t!
 Tony Touch at Cielo

 Enjoying Cielo
 My attitude lately, a Miley Cyrus moment!

 Dolled up but it was windy outside

 Secret after hours party
 ABC city before a meeting a new date



  Some private location which I don't name of but it was good!  


Enjoying Slake
LePoison Rogue
LePoison Rogue

I am I am!