Thursday, August 14, 2014

I HEART House Music!!!

So what's House Music all about for the mere vanilla Dick and Jane? One word or actually its probably closer to two but it's  A Hive...  As long as there's good music, people will dance. Once you're bitten by House Music, the music just keeps on playing. Totally LOVE Love LOVE that about NYC night life. I'm spoiled when I go out of town, no where is the night life comparable to NY!  Bottom line just shut up and dance! W00t!
 Tony Touch at Cielo

 Enjoying Cielo
 My attitude lately, a Miley Cyrus moment!

 Dolled up but it was windy outside

 Secret after hours party
 ABC city before a meeting a new date



  Some private location which I don't name of but it was good!  


Enjoying Slake
LePoison Rogue
LePoison Rogue

I am I am!

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