Monday, August 11, 2014

The hottie in the elevator :)

My birthday weekend celebration (which by the way I'm on day 4 out of...) has been phenomenal. However between you and me, the first three days I had a raging migraine without auras. And severe tenderness as usual in my neck, back, etc., etc..the other night I was wincing from back pain ugh, thanks an F a lot Fibromyalgia!!! Just spent the entire morning at the doctors for a long awaited appointment. Going to try some Imetrex (sp?) for the headaches. Going to TRY to calm down because I'm wired and sleep a few hours before I get back on the dance floor. I am still riding my birthday marathon, I'll pay for it physically a lot soon, but not till I beat it out of myself ;} which exactly I feel right now, like I've been run over by a mac truck!
All is good, a few hrs of sleep and I'll be as right as rain :)

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