Wednesday, February 07, 2007

Brrr.... (an understatment)

Jack Frost has more than arrived! My Sweetie will bring over the heater unit he brought that is temperature controlled. My room gets nice and chilly during the night (which is fine by me, its the point when I have to get out of bed that I need some heat). Got this picture below from a friend :D

Can't go wrong with Garfield, a Sage he is!

Here's an interesting link about words and meanings, called Visuwords. Basically its a visual dictionary and I like the way the charts identify which category the word meaning falls under, such as verb, noun, etc etc... pretty nifty.

Last night tutored the twins, they are doing really good. I would say they have mastered approx 80 signs at this point. I worked on having them identify pictures according to the signs I showed them. Their manual dexterity makes it hard for them to sign words like sick, house, elephant, frog, teddy bear... I also learned, never underestimate the power of stickers when teaching 3 year olds!

My film website is not done, not because of me, I have handed in all of the needed materials for the site, Lopez has the ball now, its just a matter of when he will score (ie finish the site?)

CI Law and Order needs extras for a protest scene, so I am waiting to learn when (dates and times) they will shoot the scenes. If it conflicts with when I teach, I cant do it, otherwise Id be happy to be a part of it and get my 15 mins of fame. I will also hopefully finish my Red Cross training by the end of next week. This may also interfere with my ability to be an "extra" on CI Law and Order. I wonder who got the lead?

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