Wednesday, February 07, 2007

you AF-FO watch this!

AF-FO is the mouth morpheme to "have to"

Blondie showed me this cute video Deaf Riverside Cubbies made in California in support of Gally's protest last spring/fall. I love little kids signing, its so adorable! Here's another video The Impact of with two young deafies signing about the online newsletter.

This video is animated and a little slow is also good called Stick Boy The guy from Singapore who did this video did a great job of having the characters sign, even tho its a little SEEy for my taste.

I also found Bien & Franklin's video (both were classmates of mine in graduate school) on cued speech online as well. If you have never seen cued speech before, I recommend you checking it out. WARNING: Jaech, the terp in the left corner is hard to see but its subtitled. AND will see disturbing images of small children with IMPLANTS. If you look at the Cubbies video and compare it to the kids in this video, you might say the deafies seem generally more happier then the CI kids...

Last but not least, a short collection of commericials that have ASL in them, most of them seem to be from the late 70s, 80s. All of these videos came from

Now am searching for film festival for my GGG and BB movie, I am only applying to the ones that either are well known or have cash prizes so I can fund my next project!

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