Tuesday, September 08, 2009

Waistline out of control

Well Jack and I are just done with our poor
eating habits. Sure some of its not our fault.
Limited nearby healthy restaurants, stress,
etc., etc.. But we are now in diet mode which
= bitchy mode! On Saturday, Sunday I felt like
I was starving! Whenever I 1st start a diet, I
can't stop thinking about food. Its this insatiable
cravings to EAT. Not because im actually
hungry but because I love to eat, I love food,
I love the taste, texture, smells...yesterday
was a lot better, I wasn't as hungry and I
think my body knows to buckle up and deal
with this diet!

No im not horribly overweight, I've got about
15lbs to loose to fit back into my size 8
comfortably and to feel better about myself
all around. Being a size 10 is not a crime but
I feel like its a slippery slope to a size 12.

So I've gone back to weight watchers. The
point system is the ONLY way for me. Sure
its just limiting your calorie intakes but
somehow POINTS the word psychologically
is more motivating then the word CALORIES!

I also like how more and more restaurants &
fast food joints are posting their calorie
contents. Like today im at Penn Station
McDonalds for a diet coke and 1 hashbrown
which is 150 calories or 3 points. My daily
goal is 20-25 pts. So far I've hit 25 for the
past 2 days. Thank goodness for carrots,
sliced cheese and yogurt as well as pop
corn. If I didn't already have a list of "diet"
snacks I really be struggling. And bananas
have been a huge hit with both me and Jack.

Bottom line is this extra weight has to go!
As Jack mentioned to me, its better we get
it under control now before the holiday hits!


Vada Kemp said...
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Chananel said...

The holidays always win the battle of the bulge for me. I think I had subconscioulsy been avoiding the thought this year. Oh man!

Anonymous said...

Whew! I am so relieved that you and Jack came to this realization. The hardest part is making the decision. When I'm hungry, I tell myself that it's good because it means I'm losing weight. Other than that, eat half a banana ( 1pt.) It doesn't take much to make the growlies go away.Baba