Tuesday, September 29, 2009

Chocolate chip scones

are not low-calorie snacks...I brought one this morning along with some peppermint tea thinking scones would be relatively low in calories, ha ha, they're not. I used 10 pts on that scone (I only have 24-25 pts a day on weight watchers) and I am not too happy about that. Lesson learned, just because YOU think something is low calorie, doesn't mean it is. Its better to check beforehand if you're not sure. I mean there was no reason for me to think a scone would be low calories other than the fact I never eat scones. And I assumed because I dont eat it hardly ever it must be low calories. I know, doesn't make sense. But granted it was tasty and I snacked on it all day.

Well I think I am PAH seeing some results with my diet. For example today when I put on my work pants (size 10) they were not tight like before. I can actually relax and not suck in my gut in order to move around in them. Major improvement compared to the beginning of the month. What's even more is aunt flo is in town and I am bloated big time so I bet my pants would feel even loser in a week when my period ends, see see.

I did last Saturday night relasped on my diet to chocolate candy bars (they were the small ones used to give out on Halloween) but dangerous because you trick yourself into thinking, gee these are small, a few won't hurt. Yeah right.
Losing weight this time is a very slow process. I am not used to this because in my 20s I could just diet for like a week or 2 and viola, skinny again. Not this time, every lb is a major battle and I am still at war 3 1/2 weeks later.

In other news, the apt Jack and I wanted on Roosevelt Island didn't pan out much to our disappointment. We are now searching the east side to see what bargains we can get? Jack is desperate to get out of the neighborhood we live in now. The crime is increasing, noise level and loitering too. He is fed up with where we live and the people who live there. And while it doesn't bother me the way it does him, it doesn't make his suffering any less valid. I know how it feels to be "stuck" in a situation in which you have limited control over. I want to see Jack happier in which would in turn make US happier too.

Work is good, my lesson plans are coming along. Graded students videos yesterday, still need to post grades today or by this weekend. As I joked to my co-worker, I don't have to hurry to return grades back to my students. They have deadlines, not me ;P

Today I went to JCPenny which just opened on 33rd st and 6th ave. They have a great set up and I was able to find 2 work pants, 4 nice tops and a dress all for under $140! I am happy because I really didn't have enough work clothes because of my weight gain. The pants I picked out look smashing and yes they are size 10s. I am okay with that, because they fit and look good. It was nice to be able to buy clothes in a retail establishment, most of the time I buy only thrift clothes but today I wanted brand new threads. Sometimes that's just what you gotta do, splurge.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

I was deceived by the appearance of scones,too. Thing is, they aren't frosted and they don't look calorific. But, alas, they are. I had no idea, however, that they were that many points. Zounds; foiled again! Baba