Monday, November 02, 2009

Is Bon Jovi's home state (NJ)

on my horizon? Lately its been a lot of
stress between Jack and I and where we live.
You see for those of you who don't live in
NYC (and by that I mean the concrete jungle
of Manhattan- not the outer boroughs like
Queens) your renting options are limited
to shoe-box apt sizes! Yes tis is true, to
live in the greatest city on earth you have
to literally poop hundred dollar bills in
order to rent a place that has SPACE! Ideally,
if you don't have money to burn, your options
are pretty much limited to crime-laced areas.
And before the economy collapsed these
ares were manageable but now they are not
Jack is EXTREMELY unhappy with where we
live! And while it doesn't bother me like it
does him, it takes a toll on US. Because he's
so unhappy, it spills over to me and makes
me unhappy. His sense of security and
ability to relax is shot. His car has been
repeatedly damaged by thugs and if you don't
know Jack, then you aren't aware that his car
IS the other woman in his life. Some man have
sports, others have their guitars but him, its
his car that is his pride and joy! Plus he gets
crowded very easily and our apt does not
provide us with much storage space or room
to stretch out. So for the past few months we've
been fighting a lot and its not US, its the living
arrangement that's making Jack batty and then
he devils me and ka-boom, a fight has occurred.
Mind you we have fights about other things too
but I am really starting to see how bad its
affecting him especially yesterday because we
were in PA and most of the visit went well
until yesterday. Why? Because in the back of
his mind he was dreading returning to NYC, to
our little cramped apt, to the thugs who call
each other n*ggers, to the stress of having to
check on his car every hour, to the yelling &
screaming that happens all night and so on and on...
Jack as a born and raised NYer is fed up with
the city and the outrageous prices that he is
considering our neighbor state, NJ! Boy, was I
surprised because for years now he stated he
rather shoot himself in the foot than to live in
NJ. Me on the other hand was always open to
NJ, basically because that's where a lot of
good music comes from ;} such as one of my
favorites Bon Jovi! Plus working at a college
in NJ has made me appreciate this state even
more. And they have a ton of trains that go
to and from NYC and to Philly! Now Jack has
given NJ some real consideration and the
rental prices are a lot better than the city
we may just move there. We have to save up
for a few months so hopefully by the end of
Feb we can do it, move and put down the
deposit etc etc...nothing is written in stone
at press time.
Would I miss living in the city? You bet! But
what's even better is Jack would finally have
some much deserve peace and perhaps go
back to his relax, laid back self that he was
when he came back from NC. I couldn't
believe how easy-going he was last July but
it all disappeared quickly in the past few
months much to my disappointment. So
would I give up the city for Jack? Yes, if it
meant he would be happier, thereby we
could be happier and I won't complain
about having more than 1 closet and SPACE
to do projects like puzzles etc etc. We may
even be able to get a 2 bedroom apt too for
guests and to create a little office for me
to do my lesson plans and edit my movies.
Besides living in Nj wouldn't mean I never be
in NYC, that's just not possible, I still teach
and work in the city so my city "fix" would
be met. Plus many of my friends are here
and I would still attend weekly Deaf events!
Basically the trade off of not living in the city
would be good all around. But most
importantly, I would get the easy-going,
laid back Jack back and that would be a
wonderful gift to receive because I have
seen this side of him and I miss it tremendously.

In other news I am PROUD to report I lost
10lbs! Yep, I did it all through
weight-watchers point system. It WORKS!
Sure its just a simple way to count calories
but I don't care, WW is a haven for those of
us who LOVE food. And the bottom line is,
not giving up the food you love but eating
in moderation. This past week & weekend
though, it was hard to do just that. Between
the 4 small Halloween parties I had with
my classes and the Greek Bazar, I am sure
I put on a lb or two but its nothing I can't
lose in the next few weeks. Even this
morning when I put on my pants, they are
as loose as ever! These are the same pants
I brought 5 weeks ago from JCPenny, size
10s. My size 8 fits me like a charm I realized
last week or so. Its good to still be in control
of my body weight.

Seeing the family this past weekend and
Paula too really lifted my spirits after
losing my hearing aid last week. I am still
a little upset about it, but there is NOTHING
I can do. The good news is my new hearing
aid has 4 years worth of insurance on it, so
this sucker is covered! In the meanwhile I
was provided with a loaner hearing aid that
doesn't work as well and I have no earmold,
so I use these small cylinder ear plugs that
are NOT comfortable to wear but it does
the job. The audiologist couldn't do an
earmold impression because apparently
I have too much earwax (but I think it has
to do with my psoriasis, I have a touch of it
on my scalp, ears and forehead) it runs in
my family and I suspect its not waxs but
dead skin buildup. Meanwhile I must see
the doctor to get it treated before I can
get a new sure is FUN!

This weekend tho will be FUN because of
MICA Fashion Runway fundraiser on
Thursday night after work. Friday is NYC
DPHH. And Saturday is Szymanski's bday
get-together! All good things to look forward to!

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