Tuesday, February 02, 2010

The road to hell

is certainly paved with good intentions.

Recently at the urging of many, I tried to
encourage some changes at a social
gathering that I volunteer for. These
changes were not mean spirited, far
from it. Rather it was to make a group
go from looking good to looking great!
Meanwhile the only enemy I have decided
to leave a nasty comment about the
proposed changes. Not because I had
been offensive, no, just because she is
mad at me and decided to attack me in a
public forum. Not cool. She thinks by leaving
"g" as her name I wouldn't recognize her
idiotic ranting and excessive wordings to
say the same thing in many different
ways. And ironically she criticizes the word
usage "Professional" and my aim to see more
of it at this social gathering when she herself
wouldn't know professionalism if it slapped her in the face!

Frankly I am disgusted but honestly not

Her comment is based on her inability to work
or go to school or basically live in the
real world. So of course my approach to see
more professionals attend would leave her
seeing red. Jealousy can really f*ck with a
person. I work 3 jobs, I completed my masters.
I have a boyfriend and a wonderful family.
She doesn't have any of these things so all
she can try to do is attack me in a public
forum. Fine, so be it.

1 comment:

Jack said...

I'm surprised she could find time in her busy schedule. That of course consists of sitting at home all day watching hulu, putting up sexual encounter ads on craigslist, manufacturing that shitty "jewelry" that blind Chinese prisoners could do a better job of, looking into a distorted mirror at the funhouse and saying "Wow, I'm skinny afterall!", throwing herself at men who are uninterested, creating rape stories and last but most importantly worshiping her god Tyrone who cut her off 4 years ago.

She should have called 311 when the cab driver supposedly raped her. Leaving the meter running while raping/overcharging a passenger is a violation of TLC rules and he could have his hack license suspended for up to 60 days for that.

NYC 311 (Beth version): If you see something, get raped by something.