Monday, February 15, 2010

Why I'm a Trekkie

I grew up watching the original series
with my Mom. Mind you I watched it without
CC under the age of 10 and couldn't understand
a word that was said. Before I saw CC at age 15
my tv viewing experiences had been deeply
limited! Anyways that's not the point here.
I remember in the late 80s when Star Trek:TNG
came on and my whole family it seemed
united weekly to watch it back in the den at
the old house on Brookfield Rd (hence the
name of my blog). We all would remincised
(sp?) about the characters and story-line.
Whatever clever thing Data said or
amusing responses from Lt. Worf. Plus
it was awesome seeing Gene Roddenberry's
wife Majel Barrett come back to the series
as Ambassador Troi's mother. And for those
of you who don't know, her voice is the
computers voice used on all the series.

Next came Deep Space 9. Now look I
tried to get into this series, really I did
but they went too Bajorian/Cardassian
for too long they lost me as a viewer.
Plus the fact it took place on a station
with little exploration did not sit well
with me and my views with what Star
Trek was all about. This was my least
favorite next to the original (only bc I
couldn't follow the story-line growing
up left me bored with the original Star

DS9 while still being aired when it was
followed by the arrival of the series
Voyager, the crew lost in the Delta
Quadrant, 70,000 light years away
from home. And Captain Janeway was
determine to get her crew back home
to the Alpha Quandrant. Here we meet
the infamous 7 of 9, one of the many
beautiful female actresses to grace
the Star Trek franchise over the
years. And the whole Borg thing was so
wildly popular from the earlier
episodes. I think it was because we we're
coming down from the communist
fallacy from McCarthy Era, the end of
the Cold War which I remember
from my childhood. Plus Berlin Wall came
down either before or during
the TNG airings when I was a teenager.
And we Trekkies generally hate
oppressors! I watched the show pretty
steadily. And We can all agree that
once Captain Janeway cut her hair
the show improved greatly!

Then in the early 2000s I enjoyed
the short lived Enterprise. I liked
their idea of going back to the
early days of Starfleet Federation
space explorations. This series showed
us what it was like before the many
technological conviences we see in
most of the Star Trek franchise. How
the Vulcan command just didn't think
humans were ready for space exploration.
Granted the 1st few episodes were pretty bad
especially with Trip growing a nipple or
3 on his arm as a result of exposure to
something or someone. Overall I liked
this series even though among my fellow
Trekkies or Trekkers (the debate still
rages on the right term for Star Trek
followers) they usually are not fond of
this series and almost always its reverts
back to praises of DS9.

So recently this year after Xmas
Jack convinced me to give DS9
another chance starting with season 4 I
think. All mainly due to the new director
or writer (the same guy who did BSG- Battle
Star Galactica joined DS9 4th season) and
breathed new life into the series. Mainly
the Dominion War. Right now I think we're
watching season 6 and enjoying almost
every episodes. I can see why now this
series got such raves over the years.

Anyways I think one of the reasons why
I've liked the Star Trek series is there
are so many characters on the shows that
are one of a kind. They are either the only
representative of their speices, exiled,
abandoned, the last of their kind etc etc.
Sometimes I think we all feel that way.
Like Lt. Worf a Klingon or Commander
T'Pol who are both viewed as "abnormal"
compared to their peers. Often they are
viewed as emotional or influenced by
Human behavior. Or we relate
to characters like 7 of 9 or
Odo separated from their collective
voluntary or involuntary and
sometimes even both.
Perhaps we feel like Quark and Garak
making a living outside of our comfort
zones. The Star Trek series has
an amazing way of allowing all of us
as individuals to relate to one another
despite our differences (the main moral
and backbone of Star Trek messages).
Address the problems, find a solution and
fight against oppressors!

So yeah, I guess you could say I'm a
Star Trek fan for more reasons than
I can summarize in one blog posting.
Besides I can admit to my inner nerd
just as long as it doesn't take over ;}
But just before you go, here are a few
Star Trek related quotes EVERYONE
should know or sad to say, you just
ain't American!

"Space the final frontier, these are the
voyaged of the starship Enterprise. It's
continuing missions: to explore strange
new worlds, to seek out new life and
civilizations, to boldly go where no one
has gone before!" Jean Luc Picard from TNG

"Live long and Prosper" Mr. Spock

"Beam me up Scotty" Captain James
T. Kirk from the original Star Trek
or possibly just came about from
fans and never used in the original

Now I should TRY to relax and go to bed
but for some reason I'm a little wired...
Insomia it's not for the weak! And this
concludes Stardate 021510 log entry.
Computer end recording message.

1 comment:

Nancy said...

It's green.