In todays Metro newspapers there was
a short article called "An assault on our
education." Basically it talks about
how many colleges & universities have
developed a corporate mentality when
it comes to administration. Yeah, no
kidding! The tutition rate has almost
tripled in the past decade alone! It also
mentions a new term being used
"Freeway fliers" where part-time *ding ding
ding that's me* instructors are commuting
from 1 institution to another. And because we
have enormous teaching loads, the
quality of education can suffer. There is also
additional pressure to give good grades also
because student evaluations have become
more important. So if you're an unpopular
part time teacher, watch out, popularity
rules and you better be cool.
The other day one of my former students
told me how many students hate signing
in front of the whole class. I was a little
surprised but I feel this is necessary. It
keeps them on their toes. But I have
decided to do less of that and more of
informally observing the students while
I roam the room. At the same time I
won't completely rid my policy of
signing in front of the class.
In other news I have been mulling over
whether or not I should go for a 2nd
MA? Part of me dreads the idea of going
back to school! I feel schooled out
still! If I take a class, I want it to be fun,
something I will enjoy. I am grateful for
my jobs but I yearn to earn more. And I
really don't want to take on more debts
when my student loans already exceed
50K. I think I may look to online classes
as a possibility. That way I could do it
at my own pace and not have to worry
so much about getting ASL terps etc., etc..
It already feels like I will be paying of
my student loans for the rest of my life!
Enough already! I am stressing myself out
over this. I gotta just focus on working
and living right now. I truly have a hard
time relaxing these days. I miss my
carefree summer days!
I also had a bad dream about my Bastard
Kitty, Tom. How I was visiting him and he
looked funny to me and I couldn't figure out
why at 1st. Then it dawned on me his cute
little pink nose with a spot was gone! It
was like another cat had ripped off he poor
little nose and cheek/whisker areas. I was
mortified and asked the woman (unknown to
me) if her other cat had done this to my boy?
She said no. Made me wonder if my cat is
ok? I know he's very happy at Mom's but I
can't help missing him.