Wednesday, September 08, 2010

All in the name of Allah

In the past 2 days there's been a lot
of coverage by the media about Koran
burning. Apparently there's a church in
Florida that has plans to do a good old
fashion book burning on Sept 11th! They
want to burn copies of the Koran to send a
message to Islamic extremists. This idea
personally for me doesn't sit right. I have
always believed religions in general are
laced with moral values, its the fanatics
in any religion that destroys the

Besides ALL religions are open to
interpretations. Unfortunately in this
its the Arab world, the ones in power
(Men) who choose to abuse the
messages from the Koran. I don't think
God, Allah whatever name(s) you give
to the life force you pray to has any
view on violence, neither for or against.
Unfortunately in the Koran there are
109 verses that call Muslims to war
with non-believers. And a lot of
conflicting messages found in the
Koran such as violence to only be used
as self-defense but also slaughter any
non-believer in graphic details. What is
ironic is that some critics (both Muslims and
a few selected Christians) argue that the
Old Testament has many parallel
verses/ideas of violence as well.
But these views are very misguided
according to this link;

[Update] I did some more reading at this
link and I hadn't realized the history
behind Islamic faith.
The brutality Islam has caused over
centuries. What's really sad is the
earlier parts of the Koran does have
a more neutral/positive approach but
the later parts promote destructions to
all non-believers.

So back to violence,
Violence among humans is a conscious
choice. Any religious figure/fraction
that hides behind spiritual intended
documents to promote violence are
cowards. Basically someone who can't
think for themselves. To use their
religion to justify criminal/destructive
behavior is inexcusable.

The Army General David Petraeus warns
that the book burning of the Korans
would endanger U.S. troops. That's pretty
stupid if you ask me. I mean first of all
why are we even there? Our mere presence
incenses things already. Does he honestly
think one small group of narrow minded
folks down south is going to turn the tides
any worst than they already are? Its not
like our soldiers are being welcomed in
these Arab countries with arms wide open
and suddenly burning the Koran would
change the already standing propaganda
of hate towards Americans.

And what about the mosque being built
near Ground Zero and all the controversy
its caused. Am I for or against. Its hard to
say. If I am for it, many families who lost
members to the 9/11 attacks feel its a
slap in the face. That the ultra liberals
are living in la la land. But if I am against
the building of the mosque, then am I
promoting racism? Do I let a few rotten
apples ruin the barrel? I know or have
worked with a few Muslims and they're
the nicest people you ever want to
meet. I don't forsee them or most
others having a "jihad" kind of day.
I think Muslims born over here have
been westernized compared to the ones
over there where they are the majority.
Their religious upbringing is quite
different and in a sense a lot less
literal in terms of the Koran. Although
I am sure that is not always the case.
As there are plenty of examples of
backwards thinking among non-Muslims
as well. But the fact that our country is
built upon religious freedom makes it hard
for me to decide what the right answer is.

Do I worry about the future in this country
and possible further attacks made by
cell terrorist, sure I do. Why it was only
last May that there was a man who
planned to set off a car bomb at Time Square
which I pass through there several
times a week. Quite scary
to even contemplate what
these extremist will do. And for those of
you who while watched the horror of 9/11
and acknowledge the travesty, but the
effects have worn off. Or perhaps still
don't fully comprehend the lengths
these "Muslim Soldiers" will go all in the
name of Allah. I recommend watching a
really good movie called "The Siege"
with Denzel Washington made pre 9/11
about this very topic. And while the
movies didn't do well in theaters largely
due to Muslim based groups protesting it,
it was rented by many on DVDs. Which
I think says a lot. We want to appear to
be politically correct outside, but in the
privacy of our homes we can be true to

1 comment:

Kevin. McCaul. said...

One of the best blog entries.
Jen, you're dynamic!