Tuesday, September 28, 2010

Ask and ye shall receive? Maybe...

Well the past week and a half I have been
so busy with work and looking for
sponsors for MICA 2010! Www.micarunway.com
This will be my 3rd time volunteering for
MICA and I am loving every minute of it!
I may have even gotten one of my
favorite reality stars to attend too!
I can't say who but either you'll
love or hate this person.

Life with Jack is good. We seem to have
settle into a nice routine of work, school
and living together. Its awesome we are
working as a team now!

I must say being back in NYC still thrills
me to no end. Despite the cost of living
and the ever increasing MTA fare hikes!
And the overcrowding. This city still
#1 in my book.

Recently Jack & I watched Spartacus:
Blood & Sand by Encore. Wow,
this movie is all sex, violence and
phrases like "Jupiter's cock!" which
is like their version of swearing.
The blood baths are amazing! I
watched the special features which
lucky was subtitled! The writer was
glad to have a lot of freedom to write
an R rated series and boy oh boy did they!
A guilty pleasure for anyone who
enjoys Gladiator related stories!
If you don't mind a lot of death and
sex, do que it in your netflix!

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