Saturday, April 02, 2011

The move

Ugh I hate the stress of moving. Yes I
am excited to move to my new home but
the packing and prep is a pain! And I am
still waiting on the movers to confirm for
Sunday or Monday. Plus in the morning
less than 8 hours I will start my Saturday
morning 9am class. So you can imagine
I am all happy dory, not. Rather I am tired,
that's all. Not upset but tired and stressed
that there's not enough time to do grades,
study, my laundry, finishing packing and
MOVE over the weekend. And Jack's idea
of packing is shoving things into plastic
bags so I sent him out for the evening
so I could get into a packing zone which
I did. Not finish. And where did all these
things come from?!? I am glad I will
have 3 closets to work with at the new apt.
Got to get to sleep soon but I rather be
watching episodes of Lost. That show is
addictive. How the heck the show writers
kept coming up with new twists and
surprises ill never know? And I am only
near the end of season 2. Now I understand
why Blondie salivated every weekend
before Sunday night when the show aired.
Thank you Blondie for making me give
Lost a 2nd chance! Go Hurly, Sawyer,
Locke, Charlie and Mr. Ecko!


nancy said...

Dave's idea of packing was to sit and watch a movie. heeheehee >'o'<

nancy said...
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