Monday, December 07, 2020

An Emotional Cost

Being alone so much at Baba's home during my grief and dealing with the uncertainty of where I'll be living? Trying to plan a move based on many unknown variables is super stressful. 

And keeping my head above water at work, I am so ready for the semester to end! I couldn't abandon my students the last 3 weeks but I'm paying an emotional toll by doing so.

The slow agony of dealing with Baba's things these last few weeks, I don't know how much more I can bear! 

I do know when I'm away from Baba's home I'm functioning much better. But thanks to effing COVID-19 and travel restrictions, I can't even take a break! 

But I am grateful for my uncle D who sleeps over every Friday nights and my aunt N on Tuesdays and sometimes Wednesdays. My ex is somewhat supportive but I can't rely on him like when we were together. Despite it all he is a source of comfort. And I still love him, always will. 

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