Monday, July 14, 2008

New recruits...

Tonight I start teaching a new class, level 1, which means from scratch basically. My focus will be on reviewing the syllabus, introducing the manual alphabet, the mirror game and basically introduction phrases such as
–A: HELLO, ME NAME (fingerspell your name) YOU NAME WHAT?
Its a 2 hour class but it will fly right by, it always does. I am excited because it has been 2 years since I last taught at this location. I arrived early to do paper work and to do last minute revisions to my syllabus and powerpoint for tonights 1st class.

The visit to PA as usual went by too quickly. Baba was so kind to Jack and me, she brought us a mighty powerful AC so that Jack and I can actually sleep through the night. And a killer microwave that blends in well with our living room set up next to Jack's copier/printer/fax/scanner machine. We got home around midnight last night and Jack went straight to work for the next hour and a half installing the new AC into the living room and the older, smaller one into the bedroom. We slept like the dead!

Jade sent me a msg through facebook that photos from the MICA kick-off party has been posted. I hate the 1st photo in the series, I am sitting there looking AWFUL. But this photo is a LOT better. We wore pink to raise awareness for Breast Cancer. I am proudly wearing my staff badge as you can see.
Only a week and a half to go before a bunch of us go camping in Maine! King, Jack and I will be driving up together, we will meet up with Eddie, Blondie, Ronnie, her son, Doogie Howsers, Knob and more... I am ready for a break outside of the city. Give me a major shot of trees, bees, flowers and grass!
Well I have 30 minutes to go before my class begins. I am feeling a little spacey today. Aunt flo came and Jack had no idea what pads with wings means :)

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