Wednesday, August 25, 2010

I'm still a "reality" junkie

Right now I am enjoying Comcast's on-demand
series Colony 2nd season. As much as I enjoy
end of the world movies, I certainly wouldn't
want to experience it first hand. This show
was first brought to my attention by another
blogger, Max Power (a little shout out :-]
This series is very interesting because
while it claims to be "experimental" they
had some practical luxuries such as "starter"
bins with food and medical supplies. Luckily
tho, it is still hardcore enough to get your
head shaking. Such as the idea of empty
1 week's urinal of (I think?) 7 people bodily
waste. Plus the pig fat to diesel was brilliant
In addition to that whiz mechanic woman
helps give this reality show an overall
sense of cleverness/resourcefulness. I
also like how they inserted clips of experts
resounding the participants actions/survival
methods. Very interesting to watch, not
my cup of tea to spend 50 days or my life

In other exciting news, I have decided to get
a new hairstyle. Its TiME. The side part has
to be transform to a middle one (that's gonna
be the hardest change. I can handle having
bangs but the hair part...hmm. Now that I
think about it, it is TIMe. I emailed about 4-5
closest female friends and attached photos
I snapped at the salon last night. I love Baba
but her hairstylist is too chatty for me.
This means I got to pick a place soon
and schedule an appt. I've done some
research but I am spoiled by NYC online
reviews of business. Around here there's
like maybe 1 review or less on the hair
salons around here....not a good sign.
Makes me work harder to find someone
who can cut GOOD! And actually for once
leaving the salon feeling good?

Yesterday I did preparations to
school starting up next week.
Things such as updating my Fall
classes syllabus. Plus a class schedule
for what units (a1, b4, c3) is covered
what days/dates (M or Th, Day/Month).
This I have found helps me prepare
for the semester as a whole and to
spread the instruction materials
accordingly. I made a rookie mistake
the 1st year as an Adjunct. I allowed
my midterm to occur too close to Thanksgiving.
Which meant my final exam was only 4 weeks
after the midterm instead of the halfway
point. Not fair to my students and made
my life harder too. The beauty
of teaching in my opinion is the ability
to modify and upgrade your lesson
plans and instruction abilities too. I'm
mostly an easy-going professor and
approach my class as somewhat a "fun"
atmosphere. But not to the point I come
off as a community center hobby class.
No, my classes are not painfully hard. Why
make the experience tortous for us both,
me as the instructor and them as learners
of a new language? The only way you would
say/think my class was hard is if were NOT
paying attention or missing a lot of classes :}

Jack return to NYC tonight for his classes
start tomorrow, bleah. Because along
side of missing him, his departure marks
the beginning of the end. Personally if
I was in his shoes I would bitch and moan
all the way back to NYC if I had to be in
school so soon. Its only August 25th ONLY!
Sorry I am physically allergic to the idea
of going to school as either a student or
teacher before Labor Day. Funny though
the actual teaching isn't what I dread. Its
the lost of free time and relaxation.
Anyways Jack going back to our apartment
tonight makes me feel bad he's all alone.
Missing my dear friend tonight. He
really does love me despite our
many issues. I have no doubts about
that. Its the day to day living I question
at time. But right NOW, tonight I miss him!
For sure if he were here we would've
watched the Colony together. Or I would've
told him about it. I've really enjoyed
seeing the sweeter side of him these
past few months. When he's happier we
are happier.

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