Wednesday, October 31, 2012

Hurricane Sandy Frankenstorm

Well us NYers are still reeling from the damages Hurricane Sandy rained on us. On Sunday I went out and about getting last minute supplies before the storm hit. Things like chocolate and setlzer water along with batteries for my flashlight as well as candles because I don't usually keep candles, I just dont. Both of my jobs sent out announcements their schools would be closed. In a way I am fortunate because I was behind in grading midterms and lesson plans and my neck/shoulder have been giving me hell so the rest and downtime due to the storm was greatly appreciated on my end!

I thought this was hilarious on Monday before the storm really got bad, my friend Lisa Simspon who lives across the Hudson river on the west side in Manhattan snapped a photo of where I live!

So of course I had to return the favor and snapped a photo on the east side of the river here in the Bronx of where Lisa lives :)

After the worst of the storm went through, Mayor Bloomberg came on and the terp next to him was fantastic, name Lydia Calas! Way to go Bloomberg!
A little humor and sadly true!

 The storm for the most part in my area didn't do too much damage. I did not lose electricity but I did experience a brownout in which the electricity amp was lower so everything was dimmer, my microwave didn't heat any food, I couldn't use my VP (video phone) and my wireless internet was down. I also do not have hot water still and will take a quick shower tonight at Lisa's home before going out to celebrate Halloween in Queens!

It is good to finally get out and dance away cabin fever, the recent flooding in my beloved city and our beaten up subway system. Seems most folks are having to rely on cars, my bestie Blondie is still without electricity and probably will be till this Saturday or Monday, depends on Con Ed?

I am doing better these days since the breakup. I do miss him a little but it gets less and less as each day passes. It was a seriously blow to my trust levels in men and I hate being lied to, I just do. If I were to suggest a halloween costume for "Mr. I am going bald but think somehow my sunglasses on top of my head makes it appear less bald" should dress as Nixon for Halloween ;}

This below sums up my sentiments for the ex!

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