Wednesday, January 05, 2011

A 2nd Masters on my horizon

Well folks, I stumbled across accidently
what will be my new major, Occupational
Therapy (OT)! Yep, I was looking in the job ads
for ASL related work when I came across
an ad for HKNC (Helen Keller National
Center) in LI. They were looking for an OT
and the pay was 75K! I remember one OT
from my old job at MD School for the Deaf
and decided to research it. When I did
the light bulb went off and I had the "aha!"
moment. This is what I should be doing!

There is a common misunderstanding
about what OT is exactly. The term
occupation can be misleading because
it isn't just used to describe what a
person does for a living but rather
what they do that occupies their time.
It could be work related or everyday
living or even recreationally. OT is very
broad field and isn't the same as PT
(physical therapy) which works primarily
on a person physically. OT works on
promoting the well being and abilities
of a person in any or all areas of their life.

OT work in schools, hospitals, community
organizations, senior citizens homes or
assisted living centers. They work with
people who may have a degenerative
disease or car accident victim. They may
work with a person in terms of mental
well-being or help them develop social
skills. There's much to choose from.

Tomorrow I have an appt with a school
admission dept to see if I can enroll in
some classes this spring. I will not be
able to start the MA program till I
complete the pre-requisitions. A lot of
science (anatomy and physiology stuff)
as well a medical administrative and
theory/philosophies. I need to get
started asap so I can hopefully start the
MA program in fall 2012. Lucky for me
my BS in pyschology will help cover
some of the pre-reqs but only a few.
I have about 10 to 12 classes I must take
in order to be accepted into the MA

I am very excited because for the past
few years I've been mulling over whether
or not to go back for a 2nd MA. I do enjoy
teaching ASL but it was never my "passion."
As an OT I would still be teaching but in a
1 on 1 situation and I feel this will be a
much more rewarding career. Besides
I will have more work opportunity and
finally, finally make a decent living too!

In addition, now that most baby boomers
are approaching retirement age, this field
is one of the few that will keep growing
despite the economy's ebbs and flow.
This is the 1st time in a long time I
have felt excited about my future.
And about going back to school. And
while I will incur more debts it will be
worth it in the long run.

My biggest challenge will be science.
I have NEVER been good at it, esp
biology and more so chemistry.
Thank god this field is not dependent
on chemistry or I would be SOL! I've
already order copies of "dummies guide
to anatomy and physiology" to help
get me started. Plus if I review Latin
pre and suffixes this should help me
with the medical terms. And my aunt
is a doctor and she has given me
permission to pick at her brain if I have
questions and believe me I will!

Funny all these years I have always
admire my friends who are part of
the medical field. And I've been
fascinated with medical science
but never attempted to try to get a
degree in this because of my lack
of confidence. But I won't let that stop me
now that I've found a field that I feel I
can do well in and be passionate about.

So as they say "onwards and upwards!"

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