Friday, February 24, 2006

Mongo Cosmo

I blame the mongo, er mango cosmos for todays heater induced headache. Last night had a good time, ended up staying out till way past 2am! It was good to hang out with a different crowd. I met one girl name Erica visiting from DC. She's graduating with a BA in ASL studies. Good for her. When I graduated from Gally in '99-'00, they still hadn't acknowledge ASL as a real language. Now here's the kicker. One of my biggest gripes about Gally is the fact they require all students to take a foriegn language because they didn't reconize ASL as its own language during my time but now that they do, they STILL require a foriegn language. HellO, I mean don't us deafies have it hard enough trying to master ASL and English. I wouldn't mind if it were an elective but to make it mandatory, hmph! I took Latin for 1 1/2 semester, then got mono that spring, ended up withdrawing. Two years later Im a senior and need to graduate so I ended up taking Spanish. I enjoyed it more so than Latin or French (MSSD). Since my studies at TC, I've learn that ASL and Spanish have a similar word order and Spanish is the only foriegn language I retain some of my vocabulary and word phrases. I was even able to squeeze in the line "No habla espanol" for Szymanski's character in SDI during the last shoot.

So anways I wake up with my left side of my forehead with stabbing pains. Partly from the drinks, partly from the frickin heater in my room. I woke up b4 9am and I felt like sh*t. Man, I had to back out of the volunteer gig today. I knew I wouldnt enjoy myself and I have my 2 teaching certificate exams tmw at 8am! I do feel guilty because had I not went out and had a few drinks and stayed out so late, I probably could've swung it and crash on tues (my next full day off). I am usually very reliable so it does bother me. Ach, my friend is getting paid, I am not.

God bless the lifetime channel. I'm watching this 1992 movie called "In the Best Interest of the Children" with Sarah Jessica Parker playing a mother of 5 and she's manic depressive (thats what the info guide says) they're wrong, she's actually playing atad paranoid, Schizo. She's not having extreme highs and lows, nope just paranoid and at one point even says "The voices are warning me, they're out there. They're out there!" Now dept of children welfare took the kids away and they went to live with Struthers, who's first name escapes me. The woman from "All in the family" and she did, FEED the CHILDREN informercials. As the the foster parent for all 5 kids. Honestly, SjP does a good job and the only thing I don't buy is her figure. Let's get real, someone who is on welfare, pops out 5 kids would not look like her. Sorry, not buying it. I wonder if Ty enjoyed working with her for the Family Stone?

soon, Im going back to bed. I need more than 5 hrs of sleep. tonight, no drinks for me. I really need to be ready tmw, I want to do well on both exams and be ready to teach next fall. Later I wll go to my work's social hour at a bar called West End. Im not a big fan of that place but for my co workers and Eddie, sure why not?

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