Friday, December 29, 2006

2006; The Year of the Toilet

2006 has proven to me that the Gods felt Clyde needed to spend as much time as possible fixing other people's toilets. First it was Blondie's toilet, which we never fixed but lived with. Then it was my toilet the day before the party in November that broke and Clyde came to the rescue again. Then recently his toilet overflowed and now Baba's toilet has been acting up. Let's hope 2007 proves to be a toilet free year!

Spent the day with Mom yesterday, it was great to see her. We always have a great time. We hit Barnes and Nobles but I really couldn't find any books I wanted to read. It seems the older I get the harder it is to find fiction based stories to read. When I was a kid, I read books left and right, day and night. There was always a new story to read. I was into the Native American plights and a huge fan of Scott O Dell the author of Island of the Blue Dolphin and Streams to the River, the River to the Sea. Being a loner, I gravitated toward books like My Side of the Mountain and Where the Red Fern Grows, as well as Homeward Bound. In elementary school I couldnt get enough of Judy Blume's books or Beverly Cleary. As an adult I have enjoyed David Sedaris works and anything related to Psychology like Oilver Sacks. I dig autobiographies/biographies as well. Perhaps I'll bring back some of my childhood favorite books since the adult selection is slim.

BTW I hate these new "chick lit" books about women in the urban areas dating multiple men, trying to "catch a husband" and buying shoes. Hello, this is a fad created by Sex in the City and I can assure you none of my girlfriends lives resemble anything to that of Samantha or Carrie. We don't live our lives for Prada or wear 3 inch heels in the city. I mean don't get me wrong, I am all for Women Power when displayed in a realistic fashion. I think its great that femine images are embraced because in my 20s it was all GRUNGE and earthly stuff like Patcholi. Now girls/women can go off to paintball wars and then shower and slip into a evening gown and wear makeup and those 3 inch heels if they dare? I mean come on, a writer does not make enough to live off a weekly column and have an apt (a 1 bedroom no less) all to themselves. Unless Carrie has a sugar daddy that never came into play on the show?


Anonymous said...

Hiya. I know those toilet situations weren't dreams but here's some light on why they probably kept happening throughout circles of friends. ;*)

To see a toilet in your dream, symbolizes a release of emotions or getting rid of something in your life that is useless. If you are cleaning the toilet, then it means that you are starting to shed your shell or lose your inhibitions.

To see a clogged toilet in your dream, signifies that you are holding in and keeping your feelings to yourself. Your emotions have been pent up too long.

To see an overflowing toilet in your dream, denotes your desires to fully express your emotions." -

BTW, happy new yeeeear....

Anonymous said...

a)it was created by helen fielding, author or bridget jones, actually. there's an article about chick lit now that it's "graduated" into--yes, into--mommy lit.

sex and the city, pfahh.

b)bring back childhood favorites...why not try reading marilyn sachs? read about veronica ganz--she's this horrible-yet-lovable brat. jewish too!--in a less-than-accepting 'hood in the '60s. sachs' other books are good as well. many of her books center around VG and her friends, but not all. one's about a redheaded wheelchair-bound gal named cassandra jamie.