Wednesday, April 04, 2007

Conehead Sundaes

Last night was the 2nd night of Sedar. Jack was well enough so he decided to join us. I was very pleased to have my Sweets with us. My ex never came so he's my first boyfriend to celebrate Passover with me. The service was fun and the food, mighty good. I had two helpings of matzo ball soup. We informed the Rabbi that we needed to leave a little earlier due to the Law and Order CI "Silencer" being aired last night. We got home in plenty of time and waited for the countdown to 9pm.

At last 9pm rolled around. For the next hour I got in and out of my seat to show Baba which scene I was in and we did catch a glimpse of my head for a fleeting second here and there. Ironically I had several friends email me saying that saw me in this or that scene. Sadly tho it wasnt me. I was only in the scenes where its outside after the play ends (which was in the 1st section of the show) and then again later when Alexa has been informed of the shooting (its a shot from above the roof downward) I could also recognize Nutter in one scene where they were protesting outside the doctors office. I thought Dar did a great job as the character "Larry" being a deaf militant! One scene I thought was overly exagrarated was the scene with Hilary Bacck as the cousin with the baby. The bit about having a celebration gathering in honor of their deaf baby is not something I have ever seen within the deaf community myself. Unless this is a new trend among Deaf dynasty-like families?? But of course Hilary looked wonderful, Wailes smashing and Zuercher wide eye doe like. Its funny because all of the lead deaf roles are friends of mine who have been in my movies (Fraizer and Wailes), and I know Zuercher and Bacck as well :D Just goes to show how microscopic the deaf community truly is.

Today I spent with Mom, we went out to lunch and did some shopping. She is moving to a new apt in the same building but 1 floor up. Her old apt is right above the apt lobby and my Mom has supersonic hearing. It was driving her crazy! I like her new pad because there are more windows and she will have the peace she deserves. Ofc I had to swing by the thrift store like always and found some shirts for Sweets as well as a pair of jeans for myself. I also saw Nancy and Bobby for a bit. I plan to sell Nancy's quilts at the NYDT fundraiser.

Tmw Jack and I will pack up the car and meet up with Robviously and Nathan for lunch at Friendlys before driving back to NYC. I havent eaten there in ages. I miss the cone head sundaes. When I was a little girl I used to take all kinds of classes, tap, ballet, jazz, gymnastic etc etc and after the lessons would end my grandfather (Papa) would treat me to a conehead sundae every week. I still miss Papa a lot, found a note he wrote to me the day I left for MSSD back in 1989, he mustve been out of town but it was such a sweet note. Even tho its been 15 going on 16 years since he died, I still wish he was here. He wouldve loved Jack and how Jack is so responsible and does what needs to be done without any complaints. They wouldve been good friends.

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