Saturday, November 10, 2007

Interracial couples

Today on the train on the way downtown I saw two different couples with
their kids on the train. One couple was a White guy and an Asian woman.
The other one was a White man with an African American woman. Makes me
feel like Jack and I are in good company. Both of the couples are older
than us and they looked very content. Ironically the 1st couple had
already boarded when the 2nd couple boarded the train. You could see
them exchanging looks of belonging to the same club. I wanted to tell
them I'm a "member" too! When Jack and I go out, most people are very
accepting of us. Occassionally an uptight out-of-towner whitey will give
us a "murderous" look but I say "f*ck em!"

Haven't seen my Sweets all week. Our schedules have been conflicting,
finally tonite we will spend the evening together. Can't wait, miss him
a LOT!
Its weird cuz sure we argue a lot, have our issues but when he's not
around. I crave his presence. Damn him. I wasn't looking to fall in love
so easily. I'm famous for wearing my heart on my sleeve. Luckily for me,
he craddles my heart ever so gently.

Rusty came to watch me student teach yesterday, Friday. He's feedback on
my performance was exactly what I already knew. Less MOUTHING in English
and more Student-Centered teaching. I wish he could observe me at my
Undergrad class but either way I know I must work on these 2 areas. I
was tired too yesterday, my energy was at its lowest ebb.

I'm headed to meet Friends for the "Tin Towers" exhibit, check out I will snap pixs if allowed with my trusty SK2!
Then we'll head over to St. Marks to shyme (I can't spell this yiddish
word, basically to window shop) around. Baba will porbably leave the
correct spelling on my comment section ;)

My 3rd roommate moved in. Nice man, I can't understand him 75% of the
time, major accent but we make it work.

The battle with my dentist here in NYC continues. See I went in for a
cleaning on Oct 23rd and the whole visit including the x-ray took approx
15 mins! The dentist did a POOR job and I still had plague, stains on my
teeth. I contacted my deaf friend who's a hygienest and she explained
what the dentist office did was ILLEGAL and I should be refunded my
money (the exam cost me $200!) so I wrote to them explaining my
disappointment with the visit and how I wanted a refund. They replied
that I could go back for a 2nd visit but I declined and stated that if I
did not receive the refund. I would report them to both the Better
Business Burea and the NY State Dental Licensing. I'm giving them till
next Monday nite. Will let you know how it turns out!

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

It's hard to transliterate yiddish, which uses the Hebrew alphabet, into English. I think the word you are looking for would be schmai, which means to spread,as in schmai a little cream cheese on your bagel. However, it is also used in the sense of saying you were going to schmai around which is how you used it, meaning to walk around in a leisurely fashion.
Btw, the exhibit was stunning. Thanks for sending it.