Friday, May 02, 2008


Wouldn't it be nice if we could just run some self-diagnostic tests like Data did on Star Trek TNG? If the other crew members like Lt. Worf or Geordi noticed Data was "acting" funny which wasn't normal for Data because he didn't have the capability to feel emotions. He'd blink, go 'comatose', and then blink again, snapping out of it to report his findings.

Well today I realize I have a hard time forgiving people. Especially when they are close to me. The more "wronged" I feel, the worse my feelings for that person becomes. I become angry, snapping, being down right hurtful all because I feel sad inside and want to make what's making me sad, just as sad too. (and no I'm not referring to Szymanski)

Hmph! Someone took a picture of me and posted it on the web... But in other news, I am sticking to my diet, thanks to redi whipped cream and or PathMark's imitation of cool whip, with some raspberries makes the diet doable.

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