Friday, May 30, 2008

Some men are pigs!

Lately it seems that every where I go, I tend
to upset the "traditional males" who think
women are only there to serve them and
keep the homefront clean. I'm sick of these
pigs who think women aren't worth their
time unless we want to f*ck them. I'm not
gonna put up with that shit anymore.

What's worse is that I'm a strong female
who *gasps* speaks her mind while the
other females (often younger or nicer
than me try to offer excuses as to why
the man act like ass). And when I refuse to
swallow their excuses I'm consider being
troublesome. I hate this!

I hate being a constant threat to guys who
think women want to live in the 1950s,
barefoot and preggars.

Tonight during a social event, I finally had
the nerve to tell 1 particular guy how he
tends to (in the middle of the conversation)
look/engage or talk to others while interacting
with me or other women who don't want to
f*ck him in a DISrespectful way. What did he
respond as? "Well, I can't change how you
JUDGE me... "Blah blah blah and basically try
to twist his behavior towards me as a
personal flaw of mine. Hell NO. What's worse
is later he came up to me with some other
dude (terp) and say "look I'm talking to him,
I'm not trying to f*ck him.." Over and over
again. Whatever, I left right there and then.
Tears welling in my eyes but I emailed my
friend and explained I'm not gonna stay there
to be abused, I get plenty of that elsewhere.

Man I hate MALE PIGs. They all seem to
come from NJ or NYC. What's up with that?!


Anonymous said...

Oh, I can't believe he did that. The twerp!

I'm glad he got a telling off from both of us! Or rather, a telling off from you with a bit of support/additional "evidence" from me.

I know it's easier said than done, but don't let him get to you. He's not worth your emotional energy. Y'know? :)

deafeningchameleon said...

Thanks Franklin, I'm looking forward to dinner Friday night before DPHH I will also invite Blondie too :)
see ya in a few days

Anonymous said...

Awesome. I think Keri wanted to have dinner with me, too... mind if I invite her as well? Page me... I never check blog comments! :)