Thursday, January 08, 2009

Caved in

I decided to end my misery and hire a professional organizer to come and fixs up my apt.. Its depressing the hell out of me, the way things are and it seems no matter how much I do, I don't make any real dent in the messes/piles etc etc.. So I emailed a bunch of people through craigslist and find a person who charges $20 an hour, her name is Mimi. Mimi will come on Saturday to assess the place (perhaps run away screaming in horror...) and stay for 2 hours. Then she will return on Sunday and work from 11am to 6pm. I am a nervous wreck about it because I have absolutely no idea what to expect? Will I have to work right along aside her or just oversee? Will she be able to convince me to let go of my crap? Will my apt look a lot better once she's done? God I sure hope so. I know some of you are like, What?! Are you crazy, to pay someone else to clean up your mess? But honestly its been 6 weeks of me living in my bedroom because I am immobilized with all of the stuff and I am just done trying. Once a system in put into place, I will be able to follow it. I specifically asked her to set up an area in the living room for Jack as his workbench station. His car parts and tools are png (person non grata) in the bedroom. The closet will be used for clothes and storage, not as a place for him to throw in his tools randomly or clean by throwing more crap into the closet. Nope we agreed, the living room is HIS. Bedroom is MINE. (And yes I will post before and after photos.)

Blondie what a sweetheart came over to my apt finally. She didn't say one bad word about my state of affairs. Kept saying Its not THAT bad... oh puhlez, I just love her to pieces! She gave me advice on some problem areas and what I can do to fix em up. We also assembled a cubby-hole unit whatchamacalit piece of furniture and then hit home depot before eating dinner at Eddies. I had such a nice time over there. I am totally able to be myself with the 2 of them and its relaxing not to have to put on a front. We watched Kung Fu Panda, wow what a good movie. My jaw actually dropped a few times with some of the action scenes. Jack Black rules ofc. In the special features there was even a short video that demonstrated how to use chopsticks. Also the night before I watched Switchblade Sisters which Szymanski had loaned me a while back and that too was a good movie. If you like Pulp Fiction, you'll love this one. Some of the lines and comments made in the movie were hysterical. Very 70s!!! And apparently the director Jack Hill is part of the Blaxploitation genre, basically this means the films were targeted to Black audiences using urban stereotypes and many Black advocacy groups in the 70s fought these kinds of movies. The term Blaxploitation is a combination of Black & Exploitation. But this particular movie wasn't focus on the Black community, there was a small part that had a female Black gang but otherwise it was all whitey.

Hmm what else is new??? Well my friend Karen comes to town in exactly a week, yay! I am so thrilled to finally have a visitor from out of town visiting. Blondie and I are trying to make plans to go to Alice's Teacup a place where people can go and have duh, tea and sandwiches. Blondie's friend JC (no not Jesus Christ) will also be in town and we figured it would be a nice place for lunch on Saturday.

Next Monday night I have a date with Blondie and Columbia U library to work on my thesis proposal. I got to get that ball rolling before school starts back up and I am working both of my jobs.

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